Do I Know You? (Part 2)

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Do I know you?

Scott read those four words over and over, trying to figure out if she was being serious or not. Surely she wasn't the one who had ran about in his life since he was ten. Surely this was all just some big coincidence, right?

Scott flipped the piece of paper over, taking his pen and contemplating what he could possibly write back. It wasn't like he could exactly say that yeah, maybe he does because you look an awful lot like an imaginary friend I had that one time.

He sighed, scribbling a 'I'm sorry, but I don't think you do' before slipping it back into her awaiting hand. He didn't expect a reply, so he was surprised when she turned slightly and dropped it back on his desk.

In the same pink pen she had written another message.

I'm sorry, you just look an awful lot like someone I swear I had seen before. Well I'm (Y/n), its nice to meet you :) 

Scott smiled at the smiley face she had tacked onto the end of her sentence, but then furrowed his eyebrows once he read over the message again. Could it be possible that she had seen him too when she was younger?

He quickly scribbling down another message.

I'm Scott, its nice to meet you too. Did you happen to want to have lunch with me today?

He slipped it back to her and got a reply almost instantly.

I'd love to :)

"Mr. McCall?"

Scott's head snapped up from the slip of paper, eyes locking with the teachers, "Sorry, what?"

In front of him (Y/n) giggled slightly, stifling them in the sleeve of her sweater. The teacher sighed from the front of the room, shaking his head before placing a piece of chalk onto his desk and dusting off his hands, "The question, Mr. McCall, do you know the answer?"

His eyes trailed to the chalkboard, them roaming over the overwhelming amount of Math problems littering the area, "Uh..."

"Twenty three," Lydia suddenly sighed, obviously frustrated. "The answer is twenty three."

"Thank you, Miss. Martin." The teacher's eyes narrowed on Scott, then he went on explaining more of the problems, but Scott couldn't seem to focus. The moment his eyes locked on the back of (Y/n)'s head they were glued there for the rest of the lesson.

Once the bell rung, both Scott and (Y/n) gathered up their things and stuffed them in their bags, then (Y/n) turned and smiled at him.

"Ready?" He asked, smiling back just as big. She didn't respond, simply nodded and smiled larger in response. He lead her out of the classroom and into the busy halls, right down and into the cafeteria.

After gathering up a tray of food, they had taken their seats amongst the rest of the school. It had been silent between them until they locked eyes across the table, and (Y/n) spoke up, "Are you sure we don't know each other?"

Scott laughed gently, "I don't think so, no." His voice wavered lightly, the way it used to when he'd lie to his mother, and he hoped that she didn't notice.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked, and Scott immediately nodded, so she carried on. "When I was younger, around ten or so, I had been able to see this boy. It started off only being able to see him in my dreams, but then I was able to see him in real life. And the boy... He looked exactly like you."

Scott thought he was going to throw up, like his stomach had crawled up into his throat. This girl, that he thought he could see when he was younger, had seen him too?

"Can I tell you a secret?" He managed to croak out, and this time she nodded. "When I was around ten, too, I had seen this beautiful girl in my dreams. Then, just like you, I thought I could see her in real life, walking around and peering at me behind corners. And I swear that girl was you."

Neither of them talked, the loud banter from everyone around them seeming to only get even louder. They both sat there in shock, disbelief, and neither of them could even begin to think up something they could possibly say.

"Do you believe in soul mates?" She asked, and Scott's eyes flicked up to meet hers.

"I don't know," He answered. "Do you... Do you think... We..."

"Maybe." She breathed, voice barely in a whisper and Scott almost didn't hear it over everyone else in the room.

"Do you want to be mine?" He asked, heart pounding in his chest while he waited for her to answer.

"Yeah," She took her time, but the words that passed her lips left Scott feeling on top of the world. "I'd really love that."

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