Best Friend - Stiles Imagine

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- Stiles' POV - 

I don’t know how I was going to do it, confess my love to the girl that sent me breathless every time she made eye contact with me. If I even thought about speaking to her, practiced in front of the mirror, I never failed to get my words mixed up and ended up mumbling complete nonsense.

Each time our shoulders brushed against each other’s as we passed in the hall I thought my legs were going to give way from underneath me.

I hadn’t the slightest clue on how to approach her. Did I watch her pass me by, not taking any notice of her before turning back around and calling out her name? Did I just go right up and kiss her without a second thought? Did I just leave her be and carry on with my life?

There were so many questions that needed answers that just weren’t coming. But that’s when I heard about a party happening at some kids’ house next Friday.

I had been psyching myself up for this moment ever since I found out she was going to be attending, reciting what I was going to say to her over and over as if I were auditioning for the lead role in a play.

As she walked through the door I felt the air being sucked out of my lungs. Her hair was swept to the side in a fish-tail braid, that dress she wore hugging all her curves in all the right places.

But then I noticed something strange. Something that made my heart drop, an uneasy feeling was sent straight to my stomach as I noticed a hand snaked around her waist, bounding her to the side of another boy.

Bounding her to the side of my best friend. 

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