The Remote's Gone - Isaac Imagine

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Day 3: The remote's gone. (Isaac Lahey)


As Saturday night rolled around, without much thought you started to pack up an overnight bag. It had become a tradition between Isaac and yourself to have a movie night every Saturday. You'd take it in turns hosting; tonight, you were staying at Isaac's.

You always looked forward to these nights, so you were excited get to his house.

When you did arrive, he greeted you with a hug and a kiss, then led you into the lounge room where he had blankets and pillows piled onto the couch. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Is there any room for us on that couch?"

Isaac blushed slightly, rubbing at the back of his neck, "Uh, is it too much? I can always put some away. I just though, y'know, it's kind of cold so..."

"Isaac," You cut him off, laughing. "It's okay, I was only kidding. I'm sure there's plenty of room once we find our way underneath it all."

He nodded, satisfied with your answer. While he started to put a movie in the player, you settled for finding your way onto the couch. You buried yourself under the mass amounts of blankets, emerging eventually just as Isaac turned to you.

"The remote's gone." Isaac mumbled, searching around the TV for the rectangular device.


"It was here, like, five minutes ago," He stood, glancing behind the TV but not finding it there either.

You hopped up from the couch, knocking a few blankets off in the process. The two of you searched, but to no avail you couldn't find the remote.

"That's too bad," Isaac sighed, falling back onto the couch. "Looks like we're gonna have to spend the entire night cuddling. How tragic."

You let out a laugh, joining him on the blankets. Playfully, he climbed on top of you and began to pepper your face in kisses. You erupted into giggles, trying to pull yourself away from him. He rested his hands on your sides, your eyes going wide as soon as you realised what he was about to do.

Before you had a chance to get away he was tickling you, hands running up and down your sides and you were unable to get away.

"This... Isn't... Cuddling!" You managed to get out amongst laughs. "You said we were gonna cuddle!"

"We will," Isaac said, continuing to tickle you. "Right after you tell me how much you love me."

"Never!" You gasped out.

"Okay, then."

He continued to tickle you, occasionally peppering kisses onto your face all the while your stomach had begun to hurt from laughing so much. Tears were welling in your eyes, and eventually you couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay," You panted. "I love you! I love you so much!"

Finally, Isaac stopped tickling you and you had a chance to breathe. You laid there, catching your breath while Isaac slotted himself down beside you. His arm crept around your waist, holding you tightly against his chest.

"I love you too," He grinned, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade. You shifted slightly, trying to turn so you could face him only to move onto something hard.

You frowned, "What the?"

Reaching under yourself, you gripped onto the object you had landed on and brought it up for Isaac and yourself to see. There it was, the remote resting in your grasp.

"Looks like your mass of blankets swallowed it up," You giggled.

Isaac let out a huff of laughter, "You still want to watch that movie?"

"No, I'm happy here." You said, shifting so you were fully facing him. You reached up, pressing your lips to his.

"Me too." He decided with a content sigh, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you buried it in the crook of his neck.

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