Forever And Always - Liam Imagine

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You don't even remember what the two of you were fighting over anymore. It was something to do with him and another girl, but you didn't bother recalling the details.

There was so much shouting, and you were crying so hard you almost couldn't hear him shouting back at you. You had told him to leave, to never come back, but you didn't expect him to oblige. You thought maybe he'd retaliate, refuse to leave while the two of you were high off anger, but the sound of the front door opening and being slammed shut again rung through your head, bounding off the edges of your brain.

A deafening silence settled over the room then as you tiredly collapsed to the floor. The two of you had really messed up this time. You had really messed up this time.

There aren't any second chances this time. No bunches of flowers the day after with a page-long apology. No more kissing him goodnight. No more midnight talks. No more Liam.

That night when you had finally pulled yourself to bed, your brain had suddenly been switched on to overdrive. Thinking of nothing but LiamLiamLiam. You squirmed around under the covers, never being to able get fully comfortable without his arms holding you close to his body.

Tonight was going to be a long one.


It was a Sunday. There shouldn't have been a letter in the mail box, but there was. A white envelope sat against the edge of the metal box, your name scrawled onto it.

You took it between your finger tips, flipping the top of it open so you could take the carefully folded piece of paper out and begin reading it.


I know I can't take back what I have already done, but I'm just asking you to hear me out on this. I felt as though saying all of this would be easier if I wrote it down, rather than saying it to your face because I know how you can get now, and I don't wish for you to yell at me again. And I don't wish to yell at you again.

Y/n I am so, so sorry for cheating on you. I know this is no excuse, but I wish for you to know that I was drunk when it happened, and I don't even remember the girls name. I promise you that much.

It's not the girl who's constantly on my mind. It's not her who I dream about every night. She doesn't make me feel like I'm constantly sitting on could 9. She doesn't know how to control my anger. Its you, Y/n. You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world just by smiling at me.

I don't regret loving you like I regret hooking up with her.

I love you unconditionally. To the moon and back. More than there are stars in the sky. And there is absolutely nothing that is going to change that, even if you don't ever say those three words back to me again.

All I'm asking of you is a second chance, if you'll take me back.

- Liam.

The snap of a stick underneath someones foot makes you tear your gaze from the paper, looking up only to see Liam standing there.

"So, what do you say?" His voice was soft, raspy even which tells you he's been crying recently. "Just like before? Forever and always?"

You let the piece of paper slip from your grasp along with the envelope, them floating to the ground as you rushed over to the boy, colliding with his chest and stuffing your face into the crook of his neck.

"Forever and always." You whispered back, realizing that you'd take him back every time, because you loved him.

We do crazy things for love, but more so because we're in love with the idea of spending the rest of our lives with this one person. This one person who makes us feel like its heaven on earth, and that fighting with them was merely just a pot hole in the road, soon to be re-cemented and sealed with a kiss.

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