Bad - Derek Imagine

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A/n: So basically I have a thing for bad boy and teenage Derek so yeah here's that. 

This isn't really "bad boy" Derek but hes supposed to be the schools bad boy with a soft side for you ok bye 

* * * 

You were sat in the cafeteria, so focused on your food that you had seemed to tune out the business of the school around you. You hadn't even realized that a boy had approached you until he spoke suddenly and rather loudly. 

"Go on a date with me." 

Your head snapped up, eyes wide and startled. None other than the schools bad boy, Derek Hale, stood on the opposite of your table. You glanced around, making sure he was actually talking to you and not someone else. When your eyes flicked to his again, you realized that he was indeed looking and talking to you. 


"Go on a date with me." He repeated, swiftly sitting down on the unoccupied seat at your table. 

"Is this some kind of joke?" You asked, "Why do you want to go on a date with me?" 

You weren't the kind of girl he dates. You weren't even close to the pristine perfect girls that strutted around school like they owned the place.  You weren't that girl from English class with the face full of makeup that he dated last summer. Him asking you on a date seemed all too much like something one of his equally cool friends asked him to do, just so they could laugh at you if you said yes. 

"No, this isn't a joke," He says, raising an eyebrow. "I  want to go on a date with you because I think you're beautiful and I know for a fact that you aren't like the other girls I've dated. Your something different. And I like it." 

You knew very well that you were staring at him wide eyed, mouth agape slightly as you sat there in shock. What the hell was going on?

"So, what do you say, cutie? Want to go on a date with me or not?" 

You closed your mouth, dropping your eyes to the table to try and hide the fact that you were blushing from the pet name, "Are you sure this isn't a joke?" 

"I'm positive, babe." 

You blush even more furiously, if that even was the slightest bit possible, before nodding gently, "O-Okay. Yeah, I'd like to." 

His face lit up, sending a toothy grin your way, "Great! I'll pick you up at 6. See you then, babe." 

* * * 

You spent a total of almost two hours getting ready for the date, all the while you were beginning to second guess it all as six o'clock soon approached. What if he stands you up? You would have wasted two hours of your life for someone you knew was no good. 

When there was a sudden knock at the front door, your heartbeat immediately picked up as you slipped on your shoes and hurried to the front door. You pulled it open slightly, your heart racing just that little bit faster when you saw Derek standing there, a sheepish smile on his lips. 

"Hi." You smiled, stepping outside of your house and closing the door behind you. 

"Hey," He replied, before pulling his hand out from behind his back. A bunch of different kinds and colours of flowers sat in his tight grip, surrounded by pastel purple cello paper. He handed them to you, and you swore you could see a deep blush glue to his cheeks as you took them. "I-I got you these. I didn't know what kind you liked, so I got one of all." 

"Thank you," You smiled gratefully at him, admiring the bright bunch. "I love them." 

He sent a small smile back, the blush still evident on his cheeks, "Shall we get going then, babe?" 

You blushed at the pet name before nodding, following him away from your house. 

You weren't entirely sure where you were when Derek lead you into a small cafe, seeing as though you had never ventured into this part of Beacon Hills before, but upon second glance at the shop, you were pretty impressed. It was a vintage style cafe, and you were astounded that Derek of all people found such a lovely place. 

He lead you inside, finding a seat by a window before you both ordered. It was all silent for a moment, the only thing audible was the hushed conversation of others around you and the background music, but Derek eventually spoke. 

"Look, I'm not really one for the romance crap, I guess you'd know that, but I really like you. So much more than I have ever liked a girl, and that scares me a little. All my other girlfriends, I could never see myself spending the rest of my life with them. Not one of them. But you give me a different kind of nice feeling in the pit of my stomach when you smile at me, or you laugh at something I say. I know we barely know each other and this is only our first date, but I want to give us a chance, if you'd let me." 

You were lost for words, not understanding how Derek Hale, bad boy Derek Hale, was confessing his love for you. It took you a good moment, but you eventually strung together an answer, "Y-Yeah. I... Yeah. I'd love to give us a chance." 

And when you walked into school on Monday morning with you hand laced with Derek Hales, just about every person in the halls narrowed their eyes at the two of you, probably thinking what the hell was she doing with Derek Hale? The girl who sat alone at lunch is with Derek, bad boy and team captain of the basket ball team? 

They could think whatever they wanted, and you didn't mind the slightest. Because yeah, you scored the school's bad boy. And there is nothing hotter than a bad boy with a soft spot for his girl. 

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