Protect - Liam Imagine

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A/n: This is roughly based off that scene in the most recent episode of Teen Wolf (ep. 7), if you've seen it you'll understand what I'm talking about, if not, don't stress, you'll still understand whats going on! (And don't worry, there aren't any spoilers!) 

I apologize this was up so late, I was writing and then a member from a band I love replied to my tweet and I had to take a ten minute break to calm down because I was so excited omg 

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"Liam where are we going?" 

You glanced around at the car full of your friends, Scott and Stiles in the front while Lydia was sitting beside you, then to your boyfriend Liam who was sitting to the other side of you. 

"To the school," He answered, taking a hold of your shaking hand. You were still yet to figure out if you were shaking due to fear, or the fact that you were simply cold, but when Liam held it just that little bit tighter, you knew that he must have smelt the fear on you. "I'm, we're, not going to let anything happen to you, I promise." 

You nodded at him, believing every word that passed his lips. After Scott and Liam had told you that things called 'The Dread Doctors' were after you for a reason they were still trying to figure out, you hadn't exactly had any other choice but to trust what they were telling you, there was no way you were letting them use you as one of their little experiments. 

By the time Stiles pulled up to the school it already was well past midnight, and you could feel your eyelids growing heavy, but you couldn't bring yourself to let yourself fully close them in the fear that one of the doctors might turn up and kill you. 

When Stiles parked his Jeep, everyone began to pile out and began to make their way into the school, you sticking by Liam's side until you made it into the locker rooms where Liam urged you to rest against one of the lockers. 

You were hesitant, but you eventually gave in and slumped down against a locker, pressing your back against the cool metal. You let out a disapproving whine when Liam moved to walk away from you, "Please, stay with me?"

You looked up at him with pleading eyes, and eventually he gave in and moved so he could sit beside you on the ground. 

"Come here," He mumbled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders before pulling you into his side, letting you rest your head against his shoulder. Finally you felt as though you were safe enough to fully close your eyes, feeling warm and protected in the arms of Liam. 

Eventually you had slipped into deep sleep, Liam happily supporting your weight against him even if his arm was kind of going numb from being stuck between the lockers and your back. 

There was a sudden clash sounding through the halls, the sound ringing through the locker room. Liam immediately stiffened in fear, suddenly beginning to second guess himself. What if he couldn't protect you from the doctors? 

He pushed the thought from his mind with the shake of his head, then looked up at Scott and Stiles, "Let me go check it out. Stiles, you stay with (Y/n)." 

"Are you sure?" Scott raised his eyebrows at Liam. "You don't want to stay with her?"

"I'd rather try to stop whatever is out there from getting in here, rather than sit here helpless. Just someone come here and sit with her." 

Stiles made his way over to your sleeping body while Liam carefully removed himself from you, Stiles immediately replacing his spot without disturbing your sleeping state. 

"I'm coming with you." Scott spoke up, and Liam nodded at him, realizing that Scott probably wouldn't take no for an answer right now. Lydia stood by the door, watching the two boys disappear down the hall, eventually going out of sight. 

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