Jealous - Stiles/Theo Imagine

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"Would you stop moping?" Lydia sighed, jabbing you gently in the side. Your eyes were glued on Stiles and Malia at the other end of the halls, his hands sitting comfortably on her hips while they smiled at each other.

You had had a crush on Stiles for as long as you could remember, but with Malia sweeping herself into the scene you just about lost your chance with him.

"I just don't understand why he went for her," You sighed, tearing your eyes from the pair to follow Lydia outside. "I heard she's a werecoyote, why would he get with the supernatural!? It doesn't make any sense."

You continued to follow Lydia, over-analyzing the whole situation while you went. Your eyes were glued to the floor, not completely realizing where you were going until you crashed into another body. 

Lydia let out a gasp, grabbing hold of your teetering body to stop you from falling and help you back to your full posture. The person you had run into had grabbed a hold of your left hand, also stopping you from falling. 

"I'm so sorry," You exclaimed, finally giving the stranger a look over. "I should've been looking where I was going." 

"Its alright," He chuckled, finally releasing your hand that you hadn't realize he still had a hold of. "I wasn't exactly looking where I was going either. I'm Theo." 

"(Y/n)." You replied. 

Over the next week, Theo and yourself had shared what seemed like one too many glances in the hall ways, one too many brushes of shoulders as you passed each other, one too many smiles when you made eye contact. 

Eventually, you started spending time with each other. Hanging out on the weekends and sharing after-school ice cream dates had become a common occurrence. You would often be found by his side at school, whether that was because he was walking you to your next class or sitting with him at lunch, and you weren't complaining the slightest. 

On a Monday morning, you were attempting to make your way to where Theo was waiting for you in the library, though you were suddenly pulled aside by a hand on your arm. You looked up, Stiles standing in front of you. 

"What are you doing?" You asked, glaring at his hand that was still clamped onto your upper arm. He released his grip, letting his arm fall back by his side. 

"Why are you hanging out with Theo?" He asked. 

You furrowed your eyebrows at the boy, "What do you mean? I'm hanging out with him because I can. Why do you care?" 

"I-I don't trust him," Stiles mumbled, shaking his head. "I've known him since the fourth grade and that boy is not the Theo I used to know."

"Oh come on Stiles," You sighed. "That's a pitiful excuse. He's probably one of the nicest people I have ever met.  If I knew any better I'd say you were just making up an excuse because you're jealous of me hanging out him. Though that couldn't possibly be right, because your dating Malia." 

He stalled for a moment, stuttering out mumbled words while he fiddled with his hands, "Just... Just be careful, okay?" 

"Whatever." You mumbled in response, turning away from the boy and heading in the direction of the library. 

"He doesn't trust you," You ranted to Theo while you sat with him in an unoccupied corner of the library. "I don't see what his problem is. He had never payed this much attention to me, ever, and now suddenly I've gotten close to you hes everywhere I look. I mean, hes like an overprotective older brother who doesn't want me getting with boys because he thinks they'll hurt me. And whats even worse is that he has a girlfriend! A girlfriend!  Its ridiculous..." 

Theo watched you with fond eyes, somehow still paying attention and listening to every word you said to him. You continued to rant about Stiles, not realizing how long you had babbled on until you suddenly felt a warm pair of lips press softly to yours, silencing your words. 

It took you a few moments to fully process what was going on, but you soon enough returned the kiss, and you could feel Theo smile against your lips when you did so. 

He was the first to pull away, though not before he pressed one last chase kiss to your lips. The two of you continued to smile at each other, and for the rest of the day you don't feel as though you stop smiling. 

"You kissed him!"

You let out a surprised scream, spinning around with wide eyes to see Stiles standing behind you with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Are you like, stalking me or something!?" You exclaimed, throwing your hands around in frustration. 

"Of course not," He mumbled. "I call it admiring from afar." 

"Your stalking me!" 

"Okay maybe I am," He sighed. "But in my defense, I'd rather say that I'm looking out for you." 

You sighed at the boy, trying to wrap your head around the whole situation, "I don't need looking out for, Stiles, I'm not a baby." 

"I know, I know. I'm just... jealous, okay? I'd had my eye on you well before Malia came into the picture, its hard seeing you with someone else." 

Your heart sunk, realizing that the boy you used to have a crush on was now telling you that he too felt the same way. Still, you shook your head at him, sighing, "And now you've got Malia. Stop pretending you can stop me from dating other guys, you've lost your chance." 

You turn to walk away from him, though his hand on your shoulder stopped you. 

"I wish you and Theo the best." He gave you a small smile, to which you returned before you turned and walked away from him, leaving all your past feelings behind while you walked. Although it hurt, you knew it was for the best; because he was with another girl now, and you had your eye on another boy. It was for the best. 

As you trek further down the halls, someone suddenly takes your hand in theirs, pulling you to a hult. You look up to see Theo smiling down at you, pulling you closer to his body while taking your other hand to his as well. 

Swiftly, he leaned down and let his lips settle onto yours, kissing you gently before releasing one of your hands but keeping the other tightly in his grasp. Just before you began to follow him down the hall, you gave Stiles one last glance. 

He flashed you a bright smile, pulling Malia closer to his side while turning and walking off in the other direction. You too began to follow Theo, happily holding hands with the boy you could safely say you loved; realizing that everything always pans out in the end. 

* * * 

A/n: Credit to the lovey helenamattar for the idea for this imagine!

Technically this was supposed to be a Stiles imagine but it ended out turning into a Theo one? Oops. 

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