Talk Me Down - Isaac Imagine

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A/n: Based on parts of Troye Sivan's song Talk Me Down :)

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And I wanna sleep next to you, but that's all I wanna do right now... 

It was no mystery that the two of you were in love. 

It was seen through little kind gestures and hushed conversations at 3AM when the two of you should have been sleeping. It was in the gentle touches and lingering glances that you thought no one else cared to noticed but the two of you. 

Your friends had always told you to lay off the PDA, as it was completely unnecessary and not to mention gross in school grounds as Stiles would put it, but you couldn't seem to care too much. 

You were completely fixated on the idea of him, and the amount of love he poured over you like a waterfall on the daily. You were high on his kisses, drowning in hugs. 

You were in love, and there was no point denying it, not that you'd ever think of denying such a wonderful thing. 

I'd rather fuel a fantasy than deal with this alone... 

It was one stupid little fight.  

One pointless little argument that got blow way out of proportion that left you wrapped up in the covers of your bed, sobs muffled by your pillow and eyes rimmed red while your heart felt like it had been broken in two.  

"I'm no good for you." He'd muttered lastly, all anger leaving his voice as gentle sigh left his lips before he'd turned on his heels and walked away. 

The thing that hurt the most, was the fact that you though he was good for you. 

You thought you were at your best when you were around him, when his usual bubbly self was in your presence. You laughed more, eyes constantly lit up like a child's on Christmas. You thought he made you a better person, in a way. 

But that was all thrown down the drain when he walked out the front door, leaving you with a deafening silence that settled over the room like a thick blanket. 

Suddenly, you felt like you were suffocating, like someone had wrapped their hands around your neck and was squeezing it tightly. The tears began to roll down your cheeks, unable to catch your breath through the sobs as you collapsed to the ground. 

You were all alone. 

And I wanna get close to you, cause your hands and lips still know their way around...  

It'd been two weeks. 

You thought you were over him, finally banished him from your mind permanently, but it would seem that every time you saw him in the halls you found yourself slipping back into a spiraling hole of affection and memories you once shared with him. 

You were walking down the halls when you spotted him for the first time that morning. 

You locked eyes with him for a brief moment before you had to tear your gaze away from him. You ducked your head, watching your feet move along the hall to keep them away from him. 

When you were satisfied that you had passed him, you lifted your head again, not being able to see him among the other students. You carried on your path, only to be stopped moments after to a hand on your upper arm. 

Your feet came to a halt, body turning around to face none other than Isaac. 

That same feeling you got in the pit of your stomach when you first met him returned, and you didn't realize how much you really did miss his touch until you got to feel it again. 

"I'm completely and utterly in love with everything about you," He spoke suddenly, catching you completely off guard.  "And leaving you was the worst decision I've ever made. (Y/n), I shouldn't have walked out when we fought. It was a stupid mistake and I regretted it the moment I slammed the door shut. I've made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life, but leaving you was the worst one yet. I just... please, forgive me? A second chance at least?" 

Before you could fully comprehend what he was saying to you, you found your head nodding at the boy before you began to speak, "Of course, Isaac. I... I missed you." 

A fond smile tugged on his lips as he intertwined your hands together, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead, "I missed you too, more than you'll ever be able to understand."  

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