Colours - Derek Imagine

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You were R E D...

He was one of the most prettiest things she had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. Or maybe he was the hottest? Guys could be called pretty too, right?

The word hot just didn't seem to fit with him, not to her anyways.

To her he was like a bright red poppy flower in a field of the greenest grass she had seen. He was the brightest red apple in the basket.

He wasn't hot. No. He was something else. Something so much more deserving than hot. 

You liked me because I was B L U E...

She was beautiful, but he was too scared to admit to anyone but himself. He was scared of commitment, but seeing her smile from across the room... well it made falling in love seem all too worth it.

He wanted to ask her out in a creative way, a way that would make it memorable for her, but every idea he wrote down on his piece of lined paper eventually got crossed out by a red marker, the piece ending up in his waste bin.

She was so beautiful, eyes as bright as the clear blue ocean, or a clear blue sky at three in the afternoon. She made him feel a way he had never felt before, a way that both terrified and excited him.

You touched me and suddenly I was a L I L A C sky...

People warned her not to get involved with him, told her that he was nothing but trouble, but how could she listen to them?

When he had approached her one afternoon, promising her dinner and a bunch of lavender flowers, her favourite, there was literally no way she could say no.

That night went better than expected for the both of them, and she could feel herself falling quickly. Almost too quickly, it seemed.

He asked her to be his girlfriend exactly seven days later, and without hesitation she said yes, and he kissed her. He mixed with her, red mixing with blue, and something that could only be described as lilac love filled both of them to the brink, threatening to spill over the edge, but neither of them minded. They were in love, or so she though.

Then you decided that P U R P L E just wasn't for you...

"I love you." She had spoken, softly and quietly, scared that if she said it any louder than she'd scare him. When he didn't reply, she looked over at the boy, "You love me too, right?"

He was still and his head was dropped, but she could still see his eyes flick to her face ever so quickly before they returned to looking at every blade of grass around the two of them as they sat in the middle of a field. Then he finally spoke, and she really wish he hadn't.

"I don't think I do." She could barely hear his voice as it came out in something close to a whisper, getting swept away by the wind that was constantly pushing her hair into her face.

He didn't say anything more, simply leaned over and pressed a feather soft kiss to her cheek before getting to his feet and walking away.

The sunset set a purple colour across the sky that evening. Somewhere between the time that he had walked away and the sun setting, she had laid down on the bed of grass, watching the sky change colour as the sun slowly returned to its home behind the hills. She wasn't as sad as she thought she was going to be, because in a way she was expecting this to happen. Because she loved lavender flowers, and she didn't realize he was allergic to them. She loved the colour purple, and she didn't realize that it was his least favourite.

* * *

A/n: Shout out to all of you who get the song reference heh

I'm updating twice this week to make up for not updating last week x

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