Hosptial - Isaac Imagine

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You let out a huff as you wait for the elevator doors of the hospital to open. 

You were never a big fan of hospitals but you were staying at a friends house and you were doing each others hair and you accidentally got too close with the curling iron and you burn the back of her neck and you couldn't just leave her after doing that to her. 

Once the doors slide open you walk in quickly and stand there, waiting for them to close again.

"Wait!" A boy with curly brown hair came running towards the elevator. 

You step forward and hold your hand over the door to stop them from closing until the boy was in the elevator with you. Once he was you stepped back and allowed them to close. 

The two of you were silent for a moment before he finally spoke. 

"What are you here for?" He asks, placing his hands into a long coat. 

"I burnt my friends neck with a curling iron..." You say. "You?" 

"Stiles... A friend of mine got hit in the face with a lacrosse ball." He laughs slightly. 
Not understanding how that could be funny at all you just smile at him. 

You were silent again for a moment before the elevator came to a rough stop. You look up at the boy in confusion. His eyes were wide with fear as he stared at the elevator doors in hope they would open, but they don't. 

You could see his breathing become heavy and it was then it occurred to you that you should maybe check if he was okay. 

"Hey? You okay?" You ask, stepping closer yo him. 

"I'm not a, uh, fan of small spaces." He says quickly, stepping to the panel next to the door, frantically pressing at buttons. 

"Hey! Its going to be okay!" You step up to him, carefully placing your hand on his back. He slowly sinks to the floor and his breathing becomes even heavier. 

You hit a red button on the panel, telling someone that the elevator had stopped and went back to the boy, sitting down next to him and moving your hand up and down his back. 

"Someone will be here soon, just focus on your breathing with me, okay?" You instruct him. He nods and you see his breathing become more calmer. 

"Good." You say, smiling at him. 

Suddenly the elevator doors open, revealing a nurse.

"Are you guys okay?" She asks. 

She sees the boy on the floor and rushes to get a wheelchair. You help him onto the chair and smile at him. 

"Thanks for, uh, calming me down in there." He says, motioning to the elevator. 

"Its fine." You smile. 

"I'm Isaac by the way."


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