Liam Imagine (For @Alexandra_Rogers)

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Request: Liam takes care of her while she's sick.


"Do you need anything?" Liam asked for what seemed like the millionth time in the span of a few short minutes.

You laid in bed, a place you hadn't moved from for a few days. You had suddenly gotten sick and it would have seemed that Liam made it his number one priority to make sure that you were well looked after and comfortable.

It was sweet, really, but with the sickness clouding your mind it would have been nice to be left alone for a little while. You needed to properly rest, to actually sleep maybe, but Liam was beginning to make that feel impossible.

"No," You answered, mustering up a smile to send his way. "I'm fine."

He nodded at you, "Just yell if you need me, okay? I'm just in the lounge room."

You let out a hum of agreement, watching as he turned and exited your room. You snuggled deeper into your bed covers, sighing in content when a peaceful silence settled over the room. You let your eyes slip shut, willing yourself to sleep.

It couldn't have even been a few minutes later when you heard the door creak open again, the padding of Liam's feet as he crossed over to where you laid. Your eyes slipped open, revealing a smiling Liam standing beside you.

"You okay?" He asked, and you had to force yourself not to roll your eyes at the boy.

You let out a sigh, an annoyed huff almost, "Look Liam, I appreciate the fact that you want to look after me, I really do, but you won't leave me alone for five minutes! I'm just sick. Not dying. Please, can you just let me sleep for ten minutes, at most?"

You must admit, your tone came out a lot harsher than you had planned, but you didn't regret what you had said. To get better you needed to properly rest, you just needed to get Liam to understand that.

The boy looked at you with a shocked expression, mouth slightly agape as he struggled to string a sentence together.

"S-Sorry." He stuttered, beginning to turn and leave the room.

Your heart dropped at the hurt expression plastered on his face just as he turned, it making you push yourself out of the warmth of your bed no matter how much you didn't want to. You shuffled after him, managing to catch his arm in your grip so you could spin him around so he was facing you.

He avoided eye contact, but you spoke anyway, "Liam I'm sorry. I understand that you want to help me get better, and I'm thankful for that, but to actually get better I need to sleep. And to actually get to sleep I need to be left alone for longer than a minute. You can still check on me, but maybe pace yourself?"

His eyes moved to meet your gaze, and he smiled gently at you, "Y-Yeah, okay. I'm sorry though, I was the one checking on you so much. I was being suffocating, and I know how much you hate that. Here, lets get you back into bed, yeah? I'll pace myself on the check ups now, promise."

You nodded at him, willingly letting him guide you back over to your bed and getting back under the covers.

"So if you need anything you'll call out, yeah?" He asked, and you nodded at him, smiling. He sent a smile back to you, bending down to press a soft kiss to your forehead before beginning to leave your room.

Before he had time to get to the door, you called out to him, "Liam? I actually have one request."

He turned back around, "Yeah?"

"Can you lie with me?"

He let out a chuckle, nodding at your request before making his way over to you again. You moved over, giving him room to slip under the covers with you. He pulled your body close to his, allowing you to rest your head on his chest while he gently placed an arm around your shoulder.

The two of you lied in silence for a moment, before a tap on your shoulder caused you to glance up at him.

"I love you."

"Love you more." You replied, pressing yourself impossibly closer to the boy who might be a little annoying at times, but you found yourself loving all the same at the end of the day.

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