Saturday Night - Liam Imagine

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It was a Saturday night when you were abruptly woken up by a knock at the door. You groggily looked over at your clock, 1 AM. With a sigh you pull yourself out of bed and down the stairs. 

Seeing as though you hadn't the slightest clue as to who would be at your house at such a hour of the morning, you were wary as you cautiously unlock and open the door.

Liam, your best friend of countless years, stood on your door step with his arms wrapped around his body as he sniffled lightly. You pulled him inside, your arms instinctively wrapping themselves around the shivering boy, "What are you doing here?"

"Doesn't matter," He mumbles against your neck as he held you tighter. "Can I... Can I say here tonight?" 

"If you tell me what's wrong." You argue.

You feel him nod gently before sighing, "I'm just... not on the greatest terms with my parents at the moment so I just ran out of the house without a second thought. Then, I guess came here. You were the first person I thought would actually get up at one in the morning to let me in." 

You unwrap your arms, holding him at arms length as you send a sad smile to him. "'Course you can stay here." 

He smiled gratefully at you as you lead him to the lounge room and quickly set up a reasonable bed on the couch. Before you left him alone you made sure his sobs had subsided before finally shutting off the light and climbing the stairs again and back into your bed. 

Sometime later, you were still lying there awake, maybe silently hoping that Liam would make his way up to your room; that's what happens in the movies, right? 

But after half an hour you couldn't seem to keep your eyes opened and before long you were slipping back into sleep. That was until you were awoken once again to the bed dipping gently. 

Liam's arm carefully made its way around your middle as he pulled you gently to his chest, his nose getting buried into your hair. The biggest grin tugged on your lips as you pressed yourself closer to him, if that was even remotely possible. 

You didn't question him, too happy about the feeling of his chest against your back and his arm around you waist. 

Just before you drift off to sleep again you swore you heard him whisper I love you but you never asked him about it, although it did make your heart flutter and kept you up for just that little bit longer, because although you were too afraid to admit it, you loved him too. 

Teen wolf imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora