Stiles imagine (For @CynthiaCorropoli) Part 1/2

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You were to spend the night with your good friend, Stiles, but when he turned up in a black car instead of his usual light blue Jeep you knew automatically that it wasn't him. When he stepped out of the car your judgment was confirmed. He was pale, the area around his eyes was red and his lips were dry and cracked. Nogitsune Stiles. 

When you were talking to Stiles just the night before he told you just about everything that was happening and to be careful of the one person that was now standing right in front of you. 

"Hey, Cynthia." He says, his voice deep and dark. 

"Your not Stiles." You say, taking a step back away from him. 

He begins to clap slowly, "Congratulations, your not as dumb as I thought you were going to be! Now, If you'll be ever so kind to come here." 

As he begins to walk towards you, you walk back until your back hits a wall. You open your mouth to scream but before you even had time to let anything out Nogitsune Stiles was by your side, one had cupped around your mouth, the other holding both your arms behind your back. 

You try to wriggle out of his grip but he was much more stronger than you were. Once you stop moving about he slowly removes his hand from your mouth. 

"Wh-what do you want with me?" You whimper. 

"I want you to tell me where the tails are." He whispers into your ear. His hot breath hits the back of your neck, sending chills down your spine. 

"Tails?" You question, your voice shaky. 

"Yes, the tails!" He repeats, obviously getting irritated. But you really didn't have a clue what he was talking about. Stiles never told you much about all the supernatural stuff that goes on, and when he does, hes sure to limit himself on what he tells you. 

"I-I dont know what your talking a-about." You go to look at him but he shoves you to the ground. 


Tears spill from your eyes as you try to get back up on your feet again but you get thrown back down again when he slaps you across the cheek. You cry out in pain and hold your cheek. 

"Look at me." He hisses. 

When you refuse he swiftly makes his way over to you and roughly grips your chin, forcing you to look up at him though teary vision. He extends his arm, ready to slap you once again and you close your eyes waiting for the impact but a voice stops him. 

"Are these what you're looking for?" 

Nogitsune Stiles releases his grip on you and looks over your shoulder before standing and pushes past you. You pull your body around to face where Nogitsune Stiles walked and you had never been happier to see someone in your whole life. And not just anyone. Stiles. Your Stiles. Not some spirit walking around in his body. 

It only took one glance for you know Stiles wasn't well. He looked awful. He was pale and his body movements were weak. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was dying. But when his chocolate brown eyes met yours you were still overcome with the same comforting feeling you always got when looking at him.  

"Ah, Stiles. Fancy seeing you here!" Nogitsune Stiles clasps his hands together as we walks towards Stiles. "And you brought me a gift!" 

You direct your gaze to the two black dagger like objects in Stiles' hands. The tails. 

Hesitantly, Stiles hands them over to the Nogitsune who snatches them from Stiles and holds them up to his face, examining them. He holds one out in front of him and snaps it in half. 

Moments later three hooded and masked figures appear behind him, long swords held by their sides. Stiles' body stiffens and you lay close to the ground, hoping they don't see you. 

Your hopes were soon destroyed when one of the figures turns around and begins to walk towards you. You immediately sit up and your breath hitches as you begin to panic. 

Unable to move, you just sit there while the figure comes closer to you. It begins to raise its sword which causes you to wince. 

'This would be a cool way to go.' You think to yourself. 'Death by demonic ninja...' 

The figure begins to take a step forward, ready to thrust the sword towards you but its stopped when something hits its chest. The next thing you knew Stiles had scooped you up in his arms and a bright yellow light was coming from the figures chest before it disappeared into the darkness. 

With all the strength Stiles had left in his body he ran towards his Jeep, pushing something into another figures chest on the way. Once he reaches the Jeep he places you  in the passenger side before running around to the drivers side and driving as fast as he could away from the Nogitsune. 

* * * 

A/N: Thanks so much for waiting, hope you liked it! 

Teen wolf imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora