Weakness - Stiles Imagine

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A/n: Theo is portrayed as the proper bad guy in this imagine so if you aren't into that the door is over there > 

also there are a lot of pov changes in this so I'm apologizing for that in advance. 

not edited/proof read cause im laaazy. 

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Stiles woke with a gasp, eyes open wide as he stared around at the darkness before him. His head pounded, and as he attempted to bring his hand up to cup it, he realized that they were bound to what he was sitting on. 

He struggled for a moment, but he stopped still when he heard the door unlocking. It swung open, and Stiles squinted at the silhouette standing in the doorway until they reached around and flicked the light on. 

He flinched, allowing his eyes to get used to the sudden brightness before he was flicking his gaze up to focus on the person. Though, his eyebrows immediately furrowed when they landed on none other than Theo. 

He was smirking and damn it, if Stiles wasn't tied up right now he'd be slapping it right off the boys face without a second thought. 

"I suppose you're wondering what your doing here?" Theo asked, and Stiles only rolled his eyes. 

"Well it must be something stupid, since you're behind it all." 

Theo chuckled, stepping away from the doorway and locking the door shut before turning back to Stiles. "You seem to be very attached to that girlfriend of yours," He taunted, slowly shuffling around Stiles' chair. "Its (Y/n), isn't it?" 

Stiles gripped tightly to the arm rests of the chair, inhaling deeply through his nose as an attempt to keep himself calm. He wasn't going to give Theo the satisfaction of seeing him get mad. He was going to keep calm. Scott would find him, and then they will save (Y/n). 

As much as he knew that plan A never worked out, he damn hoped this one would because it was all he had going for him right now. 

"Where is she?" Stiles asked, cringing when he heard his voice crack. "What have you done to her?" 

"Oh, I haven't done anything to her," He grinned. "Yet." 

Stiles thrashed against his restraints, eyeing the boy in front of him, "Let me go!" 

Theo completely disregarded Stiles' comment, beginning to walk back toward the door of the room while tsking at him, "It sure would be a pity if something were to happen to that pretty little face of hers." 

"What the hell do you want from her? From me?" 

"Its quite simple," Theo turned around to face Stiles, "I want your pack. I want Scott McCall. I'm going to use her as a way to get you to convince Scott to join my pack. After all, he's built himself up to be this great hero, so surely he wouldn't let two of his own to get hurt. He'll show up eventually to save the two of you, and then he won't have any other choice but to join me." 

"He'd never join you." Stiles spat, and Theo only laughed at him. He shut the lights off, dousing Stiles and the room in complete darkness before slamming the door shut. 

"Help!" You cried out, banging your chain restraints against the pipe you were fastened to. "Is there anyone there? Help!" 

You let out a huff at the lack of reply, slumping against the wall in defeat. You'd woken up in the dimly lit and damp room, and you couldn't recall as to how you had gotten there. One moment you were happily walking home from Stiles' house and the next, you'd woken up in a room that looked oddly like an old-fashioned surgery room right out of a horror movie. 

Teen wolf imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang