Ten - Isaac Imagine (Re-Written)

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A/n: So a while ago I wrote this imagine and @RobinsGirl101 commented saying "I thought that he was gonna make her count to ten so he could leave, because he thought that he was a problem" and it inspired me to re-write this imagine! (It has a happy ending, though, so don't worry!)

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"I don't feel right in my house any more. My house has become a place where I simply live, rather than a place where I can be happy," She sighed. "A-And some of the people in my life. I feel like they're suffocating me." 

Isaac knew exactly what she was talking about, about the house part that is. 

After his father had... disappeared, he could no longer spend any amount of time in his childhood home. It had a darkness surrounding it, a suffocating feeling tugging at his lungs whenever he entered.

The best decision he ever made was leaving it all behind. He forgot about the old memories, the good and the bad, and carried on with this life as if nothing were wrong.

Isaac couldn't help but think about the last part of her sentence, though. It made his eyebrows furrow in confusion. He was suffocating her? 

The thought alone made him feel sick. He didn't wish to make her feel like this. He cared about her too deeply to be inflicting such a terrible thing on her. He needed to figure out a way to make things better, and eventually he thought of a plan. 

"Did you know," He started, picking at a lose thread on his jacket while he spoke. "That if you count to ten with your eyes closed that everything that has ever bothered you will just disappear?"

She furrowed her eyebrows at her friend, watching him as he continued to tug at the lose thread rather than make eye contact with her. Once he'd managed to rip the thread from his jacket, he rolled it up into a small ball, letting it drop to the floor while he finally looked up at her.

"What do you mean?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"Try it."

She couldn't believe his words, but closed her eyes nevertheless. She took a deep breath, and just as she began to count, he counted with her.

"One," They both muttered in usion. "Two, three, four, five..."

When they reached ten, she cracked her eyes open again to see him staring back at her with sad eyes. His palms were sweating, heart racing as they started at each other. 

"What was it supposed to do again?" She suddenly asked, finally remembering what he had made her do. The surrounding area of her living room looked no different to what it did before she closed her eyes.

It was still a place she needed to run away from.

"You didn't do it right." He explained, sighing gently at her. She couldn't understand how she could have possibly counted to ten in a wrong way.

"Try it again." He spoke, and although she really couldn't be bothered to do so, she found herself closing her eyes anyway.

She began to count, just like she had before, though she found that Isaac wasn't counting with her this time. She heard shuffling, the quiet patter of feet across the carpeted floor. Before she could reach ten, though, she heard the front door opening and closing, making her eyes wander open curiously. 

Isaac was gone, leaving an empty spot where he once sat in front of her. It must have been him who had walked out the front door. 

He must have thought he was a problem, she thought to herself. Her eyebrows furrowed, pulling herself up from the floor quickly and running toward the door. 

She spotted Isaac walking a couple of houses down from hers, head low but strides long. She ran to catch up to him, colliding with him and bringing him into her arms. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, sad eyes looking up at his. 

"Disappearing," Isaac answered flatly, pulling out of her embrace and beginning to walk away from her again. She caught his wrist before he could get too far, tugging his arm so he was facing her again. 

"Don't do that," She said desperately, gripping onto him like he was her lifeline. "I need you here. I-I said that some of the people in my life feel like they're suffocating me and you, Isaac, are definitely not one of them. You are something far from a problem in my eyes." 

Somehow they had managed to get incredibly close while she was speaking, Isaac's bright eyes were staring back at her, his hot breath reaching her lips while sending her breathless in the process. Her hand slipped from his wrist to his hand and Isaac began to intertwine their fingers as he gently pulled her body closer to him.

He bumped their noses together, foreheads resting on each others while they failed to break eye contact. She held her breath as she slowly began to close the gap between them. Slower and slower until there was no space left and no other choice but to let their lips slot together.

It was a hesitant kiss, a soft and careful one that sent butterflies to her stomach until she pulled away. Isaac let their foreheads still rest against each others as they locked eyes again.

"I just closed my eyes and we kissed for ten seconds," She mumbled breathlessly, smiling up at the boy before her. When Isaac didn't seem to catch on to what she was saying, she added a simple, "Everything bad has disappeared, and your still here, Isaac." 

At a loss for words, all Isaac could do was smile back at her, pushing their lips together again.

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