Awkward Flirt - Stiles Imagine

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It was on the first day of senior year; you harmlessly walked into your first class, English, and found a seat and began to watch as other students trailed into the room and did the same.

You became aware that none of your friends were in the class, much to your disappointment, so you hadn't any other choice but to made new ones. You scanned the room, looking to your left and right to see who had sat in the seats beside yours.

To your right was a girl who had her arms crossed over the desk and her head resting on top of them, clearly unaware of the things going on around her. You opted for leaving her be, and looking to your left instead, only to find that it was an empty seat.

Just as you planned to make friends with the girl sitting in front of you, the teacher walked in and began to introduce herself, so you decided to wait for a better time. After all, you had all year.

Just as the teacher began to start class, the door suddenly swung open and a boy with brown hair and matching brown eyes came stumbling into the room, his backpack almost falling off his shoulder and he bent over, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"Sorry... I'm," He heaved in a deep breath, finally standing up and turning to the teacher, "Sorry I'm late. I got, uh, a little lost."

The teacher rolled her eyes as she shook her head, "Funny how you managed to get lost despite the fact that you have been here since freshman year."

"It's a big school." The boy shrugged, earning light giggles and laughs from surrounding students.

The teacher sighed, rubbing her temples, "Just take a seat, please Stiles."

The boy, Stiles, repositioned his backpack further up so it was resting on his shoulder again and properly walked into the room, finally taking a seat before the teacher began to continue explaining what you would be learning for the year.

"Uh, excuse me," Your head turned to the left upon hearing the voice, the once unoccupied seat now occupied by none other than Stiles himself. He sent you a warm smile once his eyes met yours, "Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?"

Your eyebrows furrowed, cheeks heating up immediately when you figured out that he'd just tried to use a pick up line on you. A very cheesy one.

You were at a loss for words, unsure on how you were actually supposed to answer. The two of you continued to stare at each other, more so that it actually began to get even more awkward that it already had been.

"I'm going to take it that I can call you mine, then?" He prompted.

You laughed gently, shaking your head as your eyes fell from his and focused on your school book, "Uh, no, it's (Y/n)."

"Well, (Y/n), do you believe in love at first sight, or should I leave the room and walk back in again?"

You could feel the blush rising on your cheeks as the seconds ticked passed, "Oh, um no. That isn't going to be necessary-"

"I think you're suffering from a lack of vitamin me." He sent a wink you way and a sly smile before raising his hand, somehow answering the question the teacher had asked even though you hadn't the slightest clue as to how he would have heard her since he was talking to you.

Nevertheless, you continued taking notes as if nothing had happened, and you noticed that Stiles didn't talk to you for the rest of the class. He didn't seem to even look in your general direction until it was nearing the end of class, and he carefully slipped you a piece of paper. You unfolded it, beginning to read over the words he'd written.

'For real though, I do think you're very pretty and I would love to get to know you better. How about we skip the awful pick up lines and I take you on a real date?

[   ] Yes.

[   ] No.

(Check one).'

You couldn't stop the smile that tugged on your lips as you scribbled back your own note and checked one of the boxes.

'For real though, I do think you're very pretty and I would love to get to know you better. How about we skip the awful pick up lines and I take you on a real date?

[ ] Yes.

[   ] No.

(Check one).

I'd love to go on a date with you.

P.s Are you an alien? Because you just abducted my heart.'

You handed it back to him with a smirk, and he couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled from his lips as he read the ending.

The two of you ended up hanging out with each other in between classes you didn't have together and during lunch, and that one date turned into four more before he finally asked you to be his girlfriend, sealing it all together with one final pick up line that started it all.

"Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?"

Though this time, your answer was different.

"You can call me yours."

* * *

A/n: i hate myself for writing this honestly i have never cringed so hard while writing something but i thought it was funny and the end was kinda cute so oh well aha 

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