Girls - Stiles Imagine

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You press play on Reece Mastins new song, Girls (all around the world), and begin to dance around the room, belting out the words. The song had only been out for a couple of days but you were in love with it and already knew all of the words. 

"Got lost in London, Kiss in Paris, Brooklyn broke my heart, Went down to Sydney she's the loudest, But Bristol parties hard!" You just let the words flow from your mouth, filling the room with off-key screams. 

You had always had this connection with the song since you learned the lyrics. Last year, you joined Stiles, your boyfriend, on a trip to a few places around the world with a heap of friends, and lets just say that it was quite eventful.

You had always been great friends with Stiles and had the slightest feelings for him but never thought anything of them, I mean, who would like you? 

Anyway, the lyrics to the song had had a weird connection to your time whilst travelling. 

The first location you visited was London, and you and Stiles decided to go 'exploring' and the two of you ended up getting lost and didn't find your way back to the hotel until late that night. 

Got lost in London. 

The next location was Brooklyn and while taking a walk with Allison through the streets, you blurted out that you may have had feelings for him. Sadly, she told you Stiles didn't feel the same way and you were heartbroken. 

Brooklyn broke my heart. 

After that it was off to Paris. Everyone decided they were going to go visit the Eiffel Tower. You had always wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower and gladly agreed to accompany them, Stiles included. 

It was a great day and soon day turned to night and the Eiffel Tower looked beautiful covered in yellow lights. Everyone went to get dinner, but you and Stiles decided to stay for a while and admire the view a little longer and catch up with them later. 

You and Stiles sat on a bench looking and the beautiful surroundings when out of no where Stiles confessed his love for you, and kissed you.

Kiss in Paris. 


"Girls, girls, girls, girls, all around the world!"  You shout, throwing your arms around and jumping around on your bed. "Girls, girls, girls, girls, all around the world!" 

Suddenly you hear chuckling coming from the door. You turn around and see Stiles standing in the door way, his smile wide. 

"Remind me again, why I am in love with you, your crazy!" He chuckles. 

You hop off the bed and grab his hand, "You asked me, remember." You smile, leading him to the bed. 

"What are you doing?" He asks. Ignoring him you both get up on the bed, you turn up the music, and being to jump around again. 

"I know you know the lyrics!" You shout. 

"Do not!" He huffs. 

You raise an eyebrow at him. 

"I've been everywhere. From Pompeii to Berlin. I've see it all but nothing else compares. I swear!" He sings along to the song. You smile and sing along with him.

"Girls, girls, girls, girls, all around the world!"

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