Stiles Imagine (For @JemzyVantasValdez)

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You walk along the shoreline with your boyfriend, Stiles, hand in hand, your feet sinking into the wet sand as the water washed up on shore, the cold crisp wind blowing your hair back. 

It was your last day in Beacon Hills because your family has to move over seas for a year for your fathers work. You were only going to be gone for a year, then you were coming back, but a year away from Stiles was going to feel like a lifetime.  

You look up at Stiles momentarily and notice he was already looking down at you.

"What?" You question.

"You seem so sad! Being all sad isn't the way I want to spend my last day with you." He sighs. "Last day with you until next year." He corrects himself.

He was right...

"Then what do you want to do?" You ask.

He thinks for a moment before shrugging, "There's not much to do on a beach." 

But before long you found yourselves running away as the tide rolled in, writing your name's in the sand, chasing each other up and down the beach, over rocks and sand dunes, but best of all you were with Stiles and enjoying your last few moments together for a while. 

Once the time came for you two to go your separate ways Stiles made you sit down.

Not knowing what he was going to say, you prepared yourself for the worst. 

"So you may be leaving, for a while, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on us. Wherever you are, no matter how far, I promise that I'll never give up on us. Some may say that out of sight means out of mind, but they couldn't be further from the truth, I'm never going to forget you. I'll be counting down the days till I see you again. And when that day comes, I'll still be hopelessly in love with you."

You smile, and smash your lips onto his, kissing him deeply. 

"I love you." You breath. 

"I love you too."

* * * 

A/N: Ayy Jemma! Sorry this is kinda rushed, Hope you liked it!

(P.s. Yes, I did use Cody Simpson lyrics in this imagine if any of you's noticed tehe.)

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