Photo Booth Kisses - Theo Imagine

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It was currently the weekend, and when Stiles had approached Lydia, Theo, Scott and yourself explaining that the fair was in town, you'd all found yourself crammed into his Jeep. 

There was hushed conversation being exchanged the whole way there, all the while you couldn't bring yourself to put yourself into any of them conversations. You were too focused on yours and Theo's hands that were intertwined, resting between your two bodies on the car seat. 

The two of you had been dating for a few weeks now, so things like hand holding and such was still new to you. It gave you that feeling in the pit of your stomach, and it was a feeling you were still trying to grow accustomed to.

Once you all arrived and pilled out of Stiles' Jeep, you all entered the brightly coloured and busy area. You all stood by the entrance, unsure on what to do first. 

"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" Lydia had asked, and Scott and Stiles nodded in agreement. You weren't particularity interested in such a ride, so Theo and yourself had decided to go off and do your own thing for a while, telling your friends that you'd all meet up again in the same place in an hour to eat. 

Everyone had agreed, and the three had walked away, leaving Theo and yourself still standing by the entrance. Just as Theo's mouth had opened to speak, you suddenly spotted something. 

"There's a photo booth, Theo!" You exclaimed, eyes lighting up like a child's on Christmas. "Come in with me?" 

His eyes drifted over to the booth, smiling as he nodded, "Sure! C'mon." 

He took your hand again, leading you over to the photo booth. You slipped passed the black curtain, taking a seat on the bench inside as Theo enters the booth as well, taking a seat beside you. He slipped money into the machine before you had time you had time to protest and tell him that you didn't mind paying. 

The little screen suddenly lit up, it presenting the two of you with your faces. You had the biggest smile on your face, and Theo couldn't help but smile along with you, because although he was yet to admit it, he might just love you a lot. 

The timer began to count down, capturing your guys' smiles in a first photo. The second timer started, and without a second thought Theo turned his face at the very last second, pressing his lips to your cheek. 

He pulled away once the photo was taken, the third timer starting up. Your cheeks were flushed red, mouth agape slightly and eyes wide in shock, it all being captured in the third photo. When the fourth and final timer began, you slowly turned to Theo, a toothy grin on your face as you began to lean in, lips hesitantly settling on his just as the timer hit zero.

When you pulled away, Theo let his forehead rest gently against yours. 

"Love you." He suddenly whispered, nudging his nose against yours. 

Your hands were sitting in your lap, balled into fists in an effort to stop them from shaking. Never have you muttered those words to him yet, but right now, in this moment, it felt so right to. 

"Love you more." You answered, then pulling away from the embrace so the two of you could exit the booth and collect the stick of photos from the compartment outside. You pulled the photos from the slot, the blush creeping back onto your cheeks as you smiled at the photos. 

You handed them over to Theo, letting him have a look. He too smiled at the stick of photos, handing it back to you so you could place it into your bag. When you'd done that, he took your hand into his again. 

"C'mon, I seen you eyeing that teddy bear over there when we first got here," He pointed to a game stall, "I'm gonna win it for you." 

You let him drag you over, the biggest smile on your face because all you could think about was those two little words he had whispered to you only moments ago, the ones that made you feel like you were on top of the world. 

Love you. 

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