Positive - Derek imagine

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Positive. The test is positive. The doctor's words go straight through your ear and out the other as you rub your stomach. You and Derek had talked about having kids, but probably when you were married with secure jobs so you were sure you could take care of another human.

"Miss?" The doctors words pull you from your thoughts. "Do you have a decision about the baby?"

Once you realize that the doctor is talking about if you wanted to keep the baby or not you pull your gaze from you lap up to the doctor. The thought of killing Derek's baby made you feel sick to your stomach, "I need to talk to him about it."

The doctor nods. "If you decide to keep it, call me and we'll discuss some vitamins I can prescribe to you to help keep you and the baby healthy." 

You nod and stand, "Thank you." You mumble before leaving the room. 

Once you make it to your car you sit there in complete silence. Do you tell him or do you wait? 

Your phone rings loudly, tearing you from your thoughts. When you look at the Caller I.D., you're filled with dread. Derek. You sigh and decline the call and discard it on the passenger seat, turning on the car. 

You drive as slow as you possibly can on your way home. But, in your opinion you drove far too fast. You grab your phone and get out of the car. You take a deep breath before walking inside. 

"How'd everything go?" Derek questions once you meet him in the kitchen. "Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"Things are fine." You lie, "My phone died." 

The two of you stand there awkwardly for a moment. You couldn't stand the silence. You were alone with your thoughts and all you could think was if you should tell him or not. Obviously, you were going to have to tell him soon or your going to end up lying until your stomach shows and that wont be any good. 

"So, what are you doing?" You speak up and motion to the TV. 
"I was just going to watch a movie. Care to join?" He flashes you a warm smile. 
"I'd love to, let me just go get into some pajamas first." 

You go to your room, putting your coat from your body and pulling the ultrasound picture out of the pocket. The small baby on the picture brings tears to your eyes and you put the picture down to change. Pajamas are a relaxing welcome to your body and the news you've received about your new 'package'.

Derek comes in a moment later to change too while you slip on your tank top. He glances at the picture on the bed and does a double take. Your back is facing him and you've temporarily forgotten about the picture.

"So, what movie are we watching?" You sigh happily to Derek, finally putting the whole baby drama to the back of your mind. 

"What is this?" He asks. His tone sends shivers down your spine and you turn to look at him and see the ultrasound picture in his fingertips. 
"Is-is... this ours?" He says in barely a whisper. 

Feeling as though you were going to collapse you sit down on the bed, "Y-yes." 

The silence that fills the room almost makes you want to scream. You hesitantly look up into his eyes. Something swims behind his eyes - maybe fear? When his eyes meet yours though, you can see pure joy light up his eyes.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked.

"I-I don't know, to be honest." You shuffle your feet around, "I didn't know how you were going to feel about it..." 

"I'm happy!" He says loudly. "Oh, I'm so happy!" He runs over to you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you up from the bed and  spinning you around.
"We're having a baby!" Derek sings. "You're having my baby!"

"Derek!" You giggle. He sets you back down on the ground, smiling brightly down at you. "Im so happy you want the baby." 

His smile fades, "What on earth would make you think that I wouldnt want it?" 
You smile, realizing how stupid it actually does sound and you shrug your shoulders. 

"Well, I defiantly want to have this baby with you." He says and you throw your arms around his shoulders. 

"I love you so much." 

"I love you too."

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