Roses - Stiles Imagine

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You open the door to yours and your boyfriend, Stiles', shared apartment and drop your bag beside the door and hang your coat up on a rack. 

"Stiles?" You call, looking around the room. You notice that the lights had been dimmed and the aroma of vanilla and roses filled your nose. You smile to yourself as you remember that it was valentines day today. You had been so caught up in your work you had completely forgotten. 

"Up here!" You hear Stiles call from upstairs. 

Once you reach the staircase you notice rose petals scattered over the stairs. You begin to climb the stairs and once you reach the top you make your way to the bedroom and open the door to a candle lit room and no Stiles. 

Confused, you walk in further and suddenly you feel two strong arms around your waist, sweeping you from you feet and swinging you around in circles, causing you to let out a squeal. Once your put back on your feet you turn around and see Stiles looking down at you, smiling. 

"Happy valentines day!" He coos and reaches down, kissing you sweetly on the lips and handing you the biggest bunch of roses you had ever seen. 

"You did all this?" You ask, taking the roses from Stiles and admiring them. 

Stiles nods at you proudly, "But that's not all, go get dressed, I made reservations at that restaurant you always talk about wanting to go to!" 

Astounded you nod before rushing to go get dressed. 

As the two of you take a seat at the restaurant you look around, taking it all in. You had always wanted to go to this restaurant, always talked about it, but never did. But it was finally happening, you glace over at Stiles who was observing the menu, and you wouldn't of wanted to spend it with anyone else.

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