Liam Imagine (For @Sink-Your-Teeth-In)

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Request: Where I go to school with Liam and one day the pack is fighting an enemy and I get caught in the crossfire, and Liam stops fighting and confesses his feelings for me. 

Thank you for requesting lovely. I hope you enjoy it!! x

* * * 

"You're going to have to tell him eventually," Lydia suddenly spoke, breaking you out of your daydream. 

You hummed at her, shaking your head as you let your gaze fall on her, "What? Tell who what?" 

She sighed, tilting her head in the direction of where you were previously looking, "Liam. You stare at him at any given chance you get. Its painfully obvious that you like him." 

You blushed deeply, gazing back at where Liam was sitting across the library briefly before returning to Lydia, "I mean, yeah I like him, but I couldn't tell him. He's got his eye on that Hayden girl. I know he has. I just-I couldn't bare the embarrassment of getting turned down." 

"He is apart of the pack, you know," She prompted. "You cant avoid your feelings for the rest of your life. And besides, you'll never know if you never try." 

Still, you shook your head at her, sighing in defeat while looking down at the table, "I cant." 

Lydia didn't bother persisting, instead she stayed quiet and didn't bother speaking up when your gaze unknowingly found itself resting on Liam again. 

You and the rest of the pack were at Scott's house that night, crowded around his living room. Meetings like these happened on a weekly basis, but most of the time it resulted in pointless banter rather than more important discussions about Beacon Hills' overload of supernatural creatures. 

Tonight just so happened to be more of a pointless banter kind of night, but you couldn't complain. No one could complain. They were fun, and you all always ended up laughing so hard you were crying at one point during the time you're there. 

It all started like a usual night, Scott starting off by listing ways to prepare for any kind of fight the pack might get into, but he gave up eventually and joined in on the more pointless conversations. 

You had your eyes on Liam, completely lost in your own little world when the front door was suddenly kicked open. The room fell silent, everyone looking in the direction of the door until three dread doctors walked into sight. 

Scott stood immediately, taking his place in front of the group while you hung back with Mason and Stiles, all three of you well aware of the fact that you lacked the claws and every other werewolf (as well as a werecoyote, banshee and fox, of course) ability. 

"I thought they couldn't get in?" Liam voiced, watching on as the dread doctors walked into the house without a problem. 

Scott, for once, was speechless. He had no idea what to tell everyone, as he truly believed that nothing could get passed the barrier Deaton had built. Anything is possible nowadays, you think. 

Just as the doctors brought out their swords, Scott began to growl. Everything they were supposed to be planning for in these meetings, was about to actually happen and you really wish you had been listening more to what Scott had been saying. 

Scott launched himself at the leader of the three doctors, and you watched on in horror as the doctor knocked Scott away from him with what seemed like little-to-no effort at all. Your friend got up immediately, going at it again while the rest of the pack followed suit, ready to help attack the other two. 

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