Coffee - Scott Imagine

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A/n: fun fact I don't like coffee or tea and I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like either someone comfort me and tell me they're the same there has to be others out there 

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You never liked coffee. 

You don't know what it was exactly. Simply, nothing about the drink appealed to you. Your coffee fernatic friends didn't understand how you could dislike the beverage, claiming it was the best thing that had ever happened to them. You continued to shrug off their comments, and continued to not like the drink. 

You were in your local coffee shop one morning, working on some homework when the cute barista you had spotted when you walked in begun to make his way over to where you were sat. He had a tray in his hand, kid-sized cups filling it. 

He smiled down at you, offering the tray to you, "Hi! I'm Scott, I was just wondering if you were interested in trying the new coffee flavour we've just started selling?" 

You were so entranced by the boy that you found yourself nodding despite knowing that you didn't like coffee. You took one of the little cups, setting it down beside your other cup. 

"Thank you." You smiled, and with a nod he was off again, wandering over to other customers. You stared at the cup, eyes trailing over the bubbly froth that sat at the top and you eventually decided to try the drink anyway. 

You brought the cup to your lips, taking some of the froth and drink into your mouth. It wasn't terrible, you had to admit, but you still weren't a massive fan. You downed the rest of it anyway, figuring you needed the caffeine boost if you were going to finish the boring math homework you had sitting in front of you. 

After a couple of hours you had finally finished your homework, and began to pack up your things. Once everything was in your backpack, you stood from your seat and began to walk toward the exit of the shop, but you were stopped by a voice. 

"Excuse me!" 

You turned around, coming face to face with the same barista from later that day. He had his apron in his hands, obviously finished his shift. When you smiled at him, he smiled back. 

"I'm Scott. Wait, I've already told you that before when I gave you that drink. I guess you could have forgotten. I don't know," He paused, frowning gently while shaking his head, twisting his apron in his hands. "Sorry. Um, I just couldn't let you walk out of here without this." 

He handed you a folded piece of scrap paper, and when you unfolded it his number had been scrawled onto it. You couldn't stop your heart from jumping. 

"I, uh, didn't know if you had a boyfriend already, or if you were even interested in me at all but I figured I might as well take the chance." 

You smiled down at the piece of paper briefly before you finally looked up and made eye contact with him, "I'll text you." 

A smile broke out onto his face while he nodded at you. With that you left the little coffee shop with the piece of paper clutched tightly in your hand, restraining yourself from texting him on your walk and deciding to wait until when you got home. 


Over the next month or so Scott and yourself became good friends and one night when you were hanging out, it all ended with a kiss goodbye and you honestly didn't think you'd stopped smiling for the rest of the night. 

After that came the cherished dates and bunches of flowers and warm hugs and kisses that made your cheeks flame red. He felt like a drug to you, addicted from the beginning and now there wasn't any escape. 

Not that you had wanted to escape him, of course. He brought so much happiness to your life and you were so glad he'd given you his number that one afternoon. 

You even found yourself drinking more coffee. Although you still didn't really like it, Scott was determined to find a flavour that you actually enjoyed. You'd eventually settled on the same sweet flavour that he had made you try the first day you'd met and Scott knew how to make it just right, a way that wasn't too mellow and un-enjoyable.  

Sure, you never liked coffee, but you drank it anyway because it kept you awake for those extra few hours. And being awake for longer meant getting extra hours to be around him. So the mild taste of the beverage wasn't that bad after all. 

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