I Really, Really, Really Like You - Stiles Imagine

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A/n: Hello friends I am back with yet another Stiles imagine bc I live for awkward Stiles and this is exactly what this is enjoy x 


Walking into school Monday morning, you walked through the crowded hall way in an attempt to get to your locker. That was until you were suddenly pulled aside by none other than Stiles, someone you didn't exactly talk to often, but you were good friends with his best friend, Scott. So there weren't many days when you didn't see the awkward brunet. 

Although you would never say this aloud, you must admit that Stiles was quite attractive, and that small crush you had on him had always seemed to be there, but you had never thought on acting upon it. After all, he was your best friends best friend... 

"Stiles?" You flashed him a small smile, waiting for him to speak up. 

"Can I talk to you?" Stiles suddenly asked.

You were taken aback slightly at his surprising straightforwardness, but nodded, laughing gently, "Well, that's what were doing, isn't it?" 

You giggled as his cheeks flushed a bright shade of crimson, then he looked down at his hands, suddenly growing extremely anxious, "Right... But, um, I have something to ask you." 

"Go ahead, then." You pushed, growing curious. 

You watched as he shifted in his spot, then as he began to shake his head, "A-Actually, never mind." 

Before you could ask any questions he had rushed away, already half way down the hall. You furrowed your eyebrows, still watching the boy until he rounded a corner and went out of your sight. 

What on earth was that about? 

The whole situation left you completely confused and awfully curious, but as the bell rung behind you, you were forced to head to your next class. 

As you sat down at your usual desk in the classroom, Stiles had never once left your mind. And it stayed like that all through class, him taking up so much of your mind you hadn't picked up on anything the teacher had said all lesson. 

When the bell rung, signaling the end of class, you gathered up your books quickly and filed out of the classroom, hoping to find Stiles and ask him about earlier. 

As hoping, just as you passed the cafeteria Stiles came into view, and luckily he hadn't spotted you yet, so this gave you the perfect opportunity to approach him. 


His head snapped up, eyes wide when he noticed you standing in front of him. "H-Hi." 

"What were you going to ask me earlier?" You got straight to the point, not wishing to waste time. "It really bothers me when people say there gonna say something and then they completely brush it off." 

"Oh," He looked down at his feet, then he lifted his head so his eyes could lock with yours. "Um, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now and I guess I've just been too shy to say it but..." He trailed off, this only fueling your curiosity. 

"Stiles," You sighed. "Please, if you're going to confess your undying love to me can you hurry up? I have places to be."

You had only said that in means for it to be a joke, but the way Stiles had blushed profoundly and how his breath seemed to catch in his throat, you were beginning to second guess yourself. 


He sighed, "Look, (Y/n), I... I really, really, really like you, okay? I have for ages now and I guess I've just been too scared to say it because I figured if you were going to date someone you'd go for someone like Scott or someone else on the lacrosse team, not someone like me..." 

"Oh Stiles." You took his hands in yours, tugging him gently toward you so you could lean up and press your lips onto his, letting him know how you felt though your actions instead of words. 

"I really, really, really like you too, you awkward idiot." You mumbled against his lips, laughing slightly when he let out a sigh of relief.

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