Update // 31 Days of December

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Because I am absolutely useless, I've planned this whole 31 days of December thing terribly. The day I announced I was doing it, I was informed that I wouldn't really have a day off work until Christmas. Thus, I really don't have any spare time. Between work and other commitments (for those of you who may not know, I'm writing a book and planning to self publish it early next year) I don't have much time at all to be writing 31 different imagines.

I've decided to not do the whole 31 days, but I'll still be posting frequently throughout December. I'm planning to post every few days instead. I really hope I haven't disappointed anyone, and that you're still excited for me to be posting rather frequently during this month!! 

So, I'm going on a massive writing binge right now and I wanted to know, seeing as though I'm not going to be doing them all anymore, if you have any numbers on the list (in the multimedia) that you'd like me to do, let me know down in the comments so that I don't skip it!! 

Thanks for the continued support guys!! x 

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