Secrets - Derek Imagine

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Day 5: Secrets. (Derek Hale)


Keeping secrets was easy. 

It was to Derek, at least. He'd grown up fearful, hiding his true self away and putting up an invisible wall that allowed no one to see through it. He spent a lot of time pretending to be someone else, and although it was exhausting he endured the pain because the acceptance was worth it. 

He hated being seen as weak. Society pressured him into being emotionless, so he abided by the rules. 

Then he met her. She was this strange beacon of light in his dark world and although it terrified him, like a moth drawn to a flame he was drawn to her. 

They started off as friends, all the while he tried to keep his tough demeanour but he failed to realise that she saw right through him. She knew he wasn't being his true self around her, and so she called him out on it. 

The thought of letting someone in terrified him, so he blocked her out and they drifted apart. The light she carried around with her burned out and Derek was left alone in the darkness again. 

After that, he spent most nights thinking about her. He missed her. He missed their friendship, and he began to realise that all along he wanted more. He wanted to be able to kiss her and hold her close at night and just be with her. However to have such a relationship with someone had one simple rule: to let them in. 

Derek had never let someone in. The mere thought of letting someone in terrified him, but this girl was worth it. If there was one person in this world that he trusted with his true self it was her. 

So, he began to let her in. Slowly at first, then gradually all the emotions he'd held up inside came pouring out like a waterfall. Not once did she ever judge him like he'd expected. 

She wasn't society, he soon realised. She didn't abide by the rules either. She accepted him for who he was, emotions and all. It was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and there was no way he'd ever be able to repay her for that. 

He'd finally met someone worth telling the truth to. 

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