The Art Of Falling (In Love) - Liam Imagine

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A/n: Cute little song in the multimedia (Stay Young by Beeches). I think it fits with this imagine <333

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You grumbled in response, eyebrows furrowing when someone began to gently prod at your shoulder in an attempt to coax you out of sleep.

"(Y/n), c'mon, wake up."

You groaned at the voice, cracking one eye open to look up at Liam, your boyfriend, hovering slightly above you as the two of you laid on your bed.

"What do you want?" You mumbled. "It's, like, too early in the morning. Go back to sleep."

"But that's the thing," He whined. "I can't get back to sleep. That's why I woke you."

"You woke me up just to annoy me? Thanks, but no thanks," You shut your eye again, "Go back to sleep."

"(Y/n)," He drew out your name in a whine, prodding at your shoulder again. "Wake up. Let's go on an adventure!" 

"Where the hell are we supposed to go at such an hour? Nothing is open."

"Let's just go for a walk, find an old park or something just please."

"Fine," You huffed, letting both of your eyes open as you sat up in bed next to him. "But if someone tries to murder us I swear to God..."

"Thank you!" He exclaimed, hastily pressing a kiss to your cheek before bounding out of the bed with a grin on his face. "And you don't have to worry, you know I'll protect you."

He flashed his werewolf eyes at you before letting them flick back to their usual blue before he was tossing one of his jackets at you, "Now c'mon, put that on and let's gooo."

You did as you were told, tugging the soft material over your body before you pulled yourself out of the bed and began to follow Liam.

"My parents are going to kill me if they ever find out." You grumbled in a whisper, taking Liam's hand as he lead you away from the house.

"They aren't going to find out, so stop worrying. We'll be back before they even notice we left."

You let out a sigh, trailing beside the boy and into the dark streets. This was the first time you'd ever snuck out, and you knew that it wasn't going to be the last.


"Do you think I'm beautiful?" You asked Liam, admiring yourself in the full length mirror in front of you.

You caught his eye in the mirror, his eyebrows pulled in at your question. He stood from his place on your bed, shuffling over to where you were standing and wrapping his arms around your waist. 

"Why would you ask me such a silly question?" 

You shrugged against him, eyes moving back to scan over your body  but before you could get much of a look, Liam was turning you around to face him. He brought his hands to settle on your hips, squeezing them gently before he pressed a soft kiss to the tip of your nose. 

"You," He pressed another kiss to your forehead. "Are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on," Another kiss to your left cheek. "And I am so lucky to be able to call you mine," Another to your right cheek. "And I never want you thinking badly of yourself, okay?" 

He pressed a kiss to your lips, and you hummed in reply. 

"Okay." You mumbled, resting your forehead on his. 


You knew Liam had anger issues. It was something he talked to you about a fair lot before the two of you actually started dating, but you never knew how bad it actually was until you got to witness it for yourself. 

The two of you were at his house, and you didn't even remember why but all of a sudden there was shouting and you were crying and he was slamming his fists against the kitchen counter tops. 

"You don't get it!" He shouted, looking up at you with wide and wild looking eyes. "You never get it!" 

You backed away from him, taking careful steps back until you suddenly collided with another body. You turned around to see Mason standing there with a worried look on his face that soon changed when he noticed the tears in your eyes. 

He took a hold of the tops of your arms, carefully guiding you out of the room as Liam's parents walked into the kitchen, questioning their son as to what was wrong. He kept shouting, it only making Mason lead you out of the room quicker. 

He brought you to the couch in the lounge room, allowing you to sit down as you attempted to calm yourself down. With a few deep breaths your tears finally stopped, and Mason hesitantly sat down beside you. 

"What happened in there?"  He asked.

You shook your head at the thought, looking down at your lap as you played with your fingers as an attempt to bring your mind away from whatever just happened. Mason seemed to understand that you didn't want to talk about it, so instead he simply pulled you into his side, comforting you with actions rather than words. 

The two of you stayed like this for a few brief moments before Liam was shuffling into the room, face fallen into a sad and tired expression as he looked at you. 

Mason sent you a look, a seemingly silent way to ask you if you would be okay to be left alone with Liam, and you nodded at him in return. He got up from beside you, giving Liam a glare before he was disappearing around the corner. 

Your boyfriend shuffled over to you, sitting beside you on the couch, but still keeping his distance. There was a beat of silence before he was speaking up. 

"I'm sorry," His voice was rough from all the screaming. "I'm so sorry about getting so angry. It always just happens so quickly and I can never control it..." 

"Liam," You shifted over to him swiftly and took his shaking hand in yours. "Its okay. Don't worry about it, alright?" 

"But I made you upset," He locked eyes with you, a frown still on his face. "I hate seeing you sad." 

"Just shut up and kiss me." You mumbled, and Liam didn't seem to think twice about it before he was leaning in, pressing his lips gently against yours. 

It was something close to 2AM and Liam and yourself were yet to fall asleep. 

You knew you had school in the morning and you'd be tired as ever but neither of you wanted the little moment you had going on, to end. 

You were both wrapped up in the sheets of his bed, limbs tangled and fingers interlaced. You were lying so you were facing each other, neither saying a word but eyes locked and saying all the things words couldn't. 

"I love you." Liam suddenly whispered, and you had to take a second register what he had just said to you. Never had you heard him say those words to you, so you were a little shocked to say the least. 

"I love you too." You mumbled back without a second thought, and neither of you could keep the grins off your face. 

Sure, the two of you had your up's and down's but none of the bad parts mattered when you got to hear him say those words to you and knew that he meant them. 

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