"Love?" - Theo Imagine

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Theo held a heart of armour. It was a block of pure bullet proof steel that he had created over the time that he had... "lost" his sister. 

It came in handy, usually. It enabled him to be able to kill a person without feeling guilt or any other normal human emotion response someone should usually feel when they commit a murder. He had a lack of emotions in general. That is until he saw you.  

The whole 'tough guy' persona he had going for him went crumbling down to his feet the very day his eyes landed on you. 

Your luring smile and tired yet bright looking eyes had him feeling dizzy when standing on flat ground. Then there was your laugh. The first day he heard it when passing you in the school hallways it felt as though the air had been sucked out of his lungs. 

As cliché as it was, he was definitely falling for you. He'd never liked someone as much as he liked you. All this, and he'd never even muttered a single word to you. 

He built up the courage one Friday to approach you during lunch time when he saw you sitting alone at one of the lunch tables. He took a seat across from you, sending you a smile to play off the fact that he was completely and utterly terrified. 

"Hey, I was just walking past and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you looked from afar so I had to get a closer look, to see if you were beautiful up close too. And you are, by the way, but that's beyond the point. I think you're very pretty, and I'd like to get to know you more." 

And you couldn't deny this boy, so you found yourself nodding and instead of spending the lunch time with your friends, you spent it with him; talking and laughing and feeling strangely comfortable with this luring boy. 

Exactly a week after you met Theo he asked you on a date. 

It wasn't much, simply ice cream and a walk up and down the beach as the sun set, but it was enough. It didn't take much to impress you, and everything about this boy and what he does for you was more than enough to be overly impressive. 

Your friends constantly told you that he was no good, but you found it hard to believe them, so simply enough, you didn't. 

Eventually, he asked you to be his girlfriend, and you don't think you stopped smile for a week after he asked you. 

Everything your friends had said about him, everything people had grown to know about him, wasn't a thing you ever saw when you were with him. It was like he was a completely different person when you were in his presence, and it made you happy to know that you brought the best out of him. 

Currently, the two of you were cuddled up on his bed as a lingering silence hung over the two of you. Both of you were comfortable like this, not saying anything out loud but rather in actions; the way Theo would press a soft kiss to the top of your head, or the way you liked to trace the curves in his face or arms with your fingertips. 

"You make yourself seem like your this big tough guy that likes to beat people up but at the end of the day your a big softy that I get to hug and kiss and Theo I think I love you." You mumbled out quickly, not completely aware of what you were saying until you were met with a now deafening silence. 

"L-Love?" Theo stuttered, eyes searching yours for some kind of assurance that you were joking. The thing was, you weren't joking. And it took you a second to realize that. 

"Yes, Theo, I love you." 

It look him a moment, but eventually he smiled at you, "I love you too." 

* * * 

A/n: This is laaaame but I'm in a really good mood and I'm writing a lot today so blah. Also I brought a new nose ring today but I'm too scared to put it in someone motivate me to do it thanks

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