Derek Imagine (For @vbxx24)

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Request: He's jealous. 

You entered the club, Derek's arm snaked tightly around your waist as you weaved through the crowd of people. Derek and yourself pushed your way into a booth, you taking a seat with a satisfied sigh. 

"I'm just gonna get us drinks, okay?" 

You could barely hear Derek over the pounding music, but you nodded nevertheless and with a small smile he disappeared back into the cowed again. 

While you were waiting, you looked around the club, eyes flicking over every little detail. The dancing crowd, how the drinks were lined up behind the bar, the energy that was practically radiating off of the DJ. 

Suddenly, a man slipped into the booth right across from you, evidently eyeing you as he sits. An awkward silence settles over the loud room, you toying with a loose strand on your dress. 

"Oh, that seats, um, taken." You shouted, awkwardly adverting your eyes from the stranger. 

"Do you think I care?" He spat back. 

You didn't bother talking back, seeing as though this man was defiantly drunk and you really didn't want to cause a scene. When he abruptly stood, you let out a breath of relief as you thought he was leaving, but you were mistaken. 

He shuffled over to you, extending his hand for you to take, "Lets dance." 

You held your hands tightly in your lap, "No. I came where with someone." 

He let out a loud laugh, it almost echoing off the walls, then he looked around the club before returning his gaze to you, "Oh yeah? Well I don't see him. Now, dance with me." 

"Shes not going to be dancing with you," A voice growled. 

Derek came up behind the man, one of his large hands calmly grabbing onto the mans shoulder and pushing him to the side. He soon got the memo, and shuffled away with a huff. 

Derek placed the drinks he held onto the table, "C'mon." He mumbled, tugging you to your feet. 

"Where are we going?" You questioned, interlocking your fingers with your boyfriends. 

"To dance." He simply stated. 

When he was happy with his placement on the dance floor, he dropped your hand and let his hands latch themselves onto your hips, holding you close to him.

"If I didn't know any better," As you let your hands snake up to settle around his neck, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his ear, "I'd say that you were jealous." 

He scoffed at you, "Me? Jealous? Please." 

You shook your head at your evidently jealous boyfriend. Kissing his cheek, you let your head rest comfortably against his shoulder. "I love you, you know that right?" 

You feel him nod, "I know. And I love you so much more." 

* * * 

A/n: Hi! 

Thank you for requesting, I hope you like it! xx

Now, I've so far received over 50 comments on my request chapter of this book and that's honestly so overwhelming, but as I said before, there's always a possibility that I'll do some more and if I'm ever bored through the holidays I'll defiantly hop on over there to do a request every now and then. xx

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