First - Brett Imagine

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A knock at the front door sounded through the house, signalling that Brett, one of your best friends, was there to pick you up.

The two of you had planned to spend the day together in town, and you were more than excited. 

You pottered over to the door, shrugging on a jacket before tugging the door open to reveal a smiling Brett. You sent the boy a smile in return, "Hey!" 

"Hey (Y/n). You ready to go?" 

You nodded in return, following him down your drive way while the two of you began to chat about what you were going to be doing for the day. 


The two of you made your way along the beach, the sound of the waves rolling up the sand the only thing audible between the two of you. The small talk had well and truly died down by now, but neither of you wanted to break it. 

That is, until Brett did. 

"Can I do something?" He asked, and the two of you stopped walking so you could look at each other. 


He took a step toward you, and when his hand found its way to your shoulder and he slowly began to lean in, you couldn't help but panic slightly. 

"Wait," You rushed out, taking a step away from him. "I haven't..." 

He waited for you to continue, but eventually spoke up when he realized you weren't, "Haven't what?" 

You let out an exasperated sigh, glancing up at him shyly, "Had my first kiss yet." 

"So?" He smiled down at you, this only making your cheeks flush a bright shade of crimson. 

"So, I don't know what I'm doing. What if I mess up? I only get one first kiss, Brett, I don't want it to be a bad one." 

"Follow my actions," He reached up and let his hand settle onto the back of your neck, craning his head to the left. With the little knowledge you had, you did the same, though you tilted your head to the right. 

Your heartbeat picked up as he began to lean in, closer and closer. 

With your lips on his, bodies pressed lightly against each others, you had began to tune out the world around you; because in that moment no one ceased to exist but Brett and yourself. Your stomach felt as though butterflies had been released, fireworks let off. Everything blurred into one big mess of colour and shapes and if this is what it was like every time he kissed you, you sure could get used to doing it a lot more often. 

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