Whispers - Liam Imagine

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As Liam flicked through the letters left on the kitchen counter, a small, handwritten envelope caught his attention and his heart began to thump. In your handwriting, his name was scrawled into the front. 

Carefully, he flipped the envelope over and opened it. He held his breath as he took out the folded piece of paper inside. Liam and yourself had been friends for years—dating for almost a year—until you had to move away. The distance made it hard to keep a relationship going, and eventually you both lost contact. Until now. 

Hesitantly he unfolded the paper. Your handwriting was still the same, and as he read over the words on the page he could almost hear your voice whispering to him the way you did the day you left. 

Dear Liam, 

Hi! Its (Y/n). I guess you already knew that. Anyway, it's been a while. I know there really isn't a reason to apologise, but I just feel the need to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry we drifted. I sincerely wish we hadn't. Losing you hurt like hell. 

Although its been almost two years now, I haven't forgotten about you or any of the memories we've shared. All that time we've spent together is something I'll cherish forever. 

I'm realising now that it probably would have been easier just to text you, or call, but this just seems more personal, you know? Actually, who cares? You probably don't. I'm getting distracted. 

The purpose of this letter was to tell you that my family and I are moving back to Beacon Hills. Well, by the time your reading this we would have already moved. I know its been a long time since we've talked and things may not be the same as they used to be but I'd love to see you again. 

If you receive this letter and you'd like to meet up, send me a text! (I have my fingers crossed that during those two years you didn't develop some kind of hatred toward me and that you actually do want to meet up). 

I'll see you soon? 

- (Y/n) :) 

Liam couldn't help but smile, dropping the letting onto the counter and immediately rushing for his phone, pulling up your all too familiar contact. 


You rocked back and forth on one of the swings of a park that Liam and yourself used spend a lot of time at before you moved away. It felt strange to be back, yet comforting at the same time. 

You were so glad that Liam wanted to see you again, though the nerves didn't kick in until you spotted him walking toward you. You heart beat picked up, smiling at him once he reached you. 

"Hi," You whispered. 

Liam hesitated, swallowing hard before answering, "Hi, (Y/n)." 

Neither of you knew what to say after that. Liam continued to stand in front of you, a silence settling between the two of you and eventually it grew awkward. There was so much lost time between the two of you and neither knew how to fill it. 

Liam kicked at the ground below him, burying the top of his shoe in the dirt then pulling it out again and shaking it off. You moved slowly, back and forth on the swing until you stopped suddenly and words were tumbling from your mouth. 

"I missed you." You murmured.

You saw Liam smile lightly, nodding, "You know, I haven't dated anyone since you left." 

"You know," You started, standing up from the swing. Your heart was thumping rapidly in your chest as you took a step over to him. "I never stopped loving you." 

Liam's eyes widened, "You love me?" 

"Always." You replied. 

"That's the first time either of us have said that," He mumbled. Then, in more of a whisper, he said, "I think I love you, too. Always."  

For the first time in two years, Liam reached out for you and laced your hands with his. With that simple contact, it was like you'd never left. Liam and yourself had never drifted. Those sparks that the movies always talk about shot up your arms and the feeling was almost unbearable. 

Liam pulled you against him, your chest pressing against his. You glanced up, eyes settling on his. You were so close. So close that if you just leaned up an inch more you could just about reach his lips... 

Liam nudged his nose against yours gently, a shaky breath leaving his lips before he swooped down and pressed his lips to yours and that kiss seemed to talk in whispers, making up for the lost time and rejoining Liam and yourself. 

Just as if you'd never left. 

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