Scott imagine (for @1DFangirl9)

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"Hey, Morgan." You snap your head up from the computer and see Scott, your boyfriend, standing in your bedroom doorway. 

"Scott! You scared me!" You close your computer's lid and draw your attention to Scott. "Wait, how did you get in? No ones home, and I swear I locked the front door..." You raise an eyebrow as the questions lingers in your mind. 

"I came in through the window." He motions to the now open window. 

"The window? Why didn't you just knock on the front door?" 

"That's what I need to talk to you about..." 

Your heart begins to race as Scott takes your hand in his and leads you onto your bed. 

"Now, you know I would never lie to you, right?"

Unable to say anything you nod your head. After a moment of silence Scott finally notices the worried expression plastered on your face and smiles, "I'm not breaking up with you!"

You let out a sigh of relief, "So what is it then?" 

Scott takes a deep breath and lets it out again before opening his mouth, "I'm a werewolf." He says quickly. 

"Your a what?" 

"I'm a... werewolf." He repeats. 

You sit there for a moment waiting for him to tell you hes joking but when he doesn't you let out a laugh, "Your kidding right?" 


You pull your hand from his and stand up, "Scott if you have nothing important to tell me, I think i'll get back to my school work now." 

"I'm not lying to you Morgan." 

You turn to face him again, "Fine. Prove it to me." 

He gets up from the bed and makes his way to an open space in your room. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes momentarily then opens them again to a piercing shade of red instead of his usual shade of brown, then raises his hand and you notice claws coming out from the end of his fingertips. 

"Why are you telling me this?" You question, taking a seat at your desk and massaging the sides of your head trying to take in what was actually happening. 

"Derek said it would be better for you to know now..." 

"Derek? Hes a werewolf too?" 

Scott nods and makes his way over to you. As he does his red eyes are replaced with brown and normal fingernails replacing the claws. 

"I know this may be a lot to take in but just know, that I will never hurt you." 

* * * 

A/N: Thanks for requesting, hope you like it! 

Who's excited for the second half of season 3 tomorrow!? I defiantly am, but if anything happens to Stiles I will throw my tv out the window. 

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