Wedding Day - Derek Imagine

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You look down at the white wedding gown hugging at your curves, the beautiful material flowing down your body and landing at the floor.

You eyed herself in the mirror, still fully trying to make yourself believe that it was actually you staring back, and that today was actually happening. Sure, you'd dreamed of getting married when you were younger, but never of it ever coming true.

You'd dreamed of yourself in a princess dress, something that you realize probably would have never suited you, turning up to the venue (AKA a magical castle) in a white carriage that was pulled by unicorns and marrying a prince in shining armor.

Of course nothing of that was really ever going to come true, except for that last bit. You were marrying your very own prince, though you were sure he'd be lacking the armor. That's okay though, because its Derek. And he makes everything okay.

* * *

Derek paced around the main room, sweaty hands rubbing against his thighs every now and then. He began to mumble things every now and then to himself, looking like a complete madman to anyone who might see him. But he couldn't bring himself to care, because right now he thinks if he doesn't calm down he's probably going to collapse.

Someone suddenly grabbed at his shoulder, bringing his pacing and mumbles to a halt. Derek's eyes met Peter who was smiling at him, but he couldn't bring himself to smile back.

"I don't think I can do this." Derek gasped, eyes skimming over to the back door of the main room where there was a crowd of loved ones seated, waiting for you and himself.

"What are you taking about?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows at him, grabbing him by the shoulders and urging him to look at him, "Of course you can. You love her, right?"

"Well yeah, but-"

"Then go out there and marry the girl of your dreams," He turned Derek's body so he was facing the door leading out to the crowd. "What are you waiting for?"

With one last squeeze to his shoulders, Peter lead Derek outside and urged him to the front where he were to wait for the wedding to officially start, for when you finally come out and walk down the middle of everyone who was seated.

Peter took a seat in the front row, giving him a grin and the thumbs up in hopes to calm him down to some extent.

Derek rubbed his hands on his thighs one last time, letting out a shaky sigh as he smiled back at Peter before letting his eyes wander to the doorway again. Just as piano music suddenly started to play, his nerves really kicked in but he couldn't tear his gaze from the door.

You suddenly rounded the corner with your arm looped with your Dad, everyone else turning too to finally see you. The whole time you walked, he couldn't tear his gaze from yours.

Derek was in complete awe at the sight of you, completely breathtaking dressed in all white. He found it hard to believe that he was marrying you, someone who seemed to be well out of his league. You were too good for him, and he still couldn't believe you'd stuck around. Not that he was complaining, of course. 

Once you finally reached the end of the walk way you dropped your arm from your Dad's and he proceeded to take a seat in the front row. You began to walk toward him, finally close enough to grab his hands. You give his hands a light squeeze, smiling up at Derek just as he returns it.

The two of you seem to drown everything around you out as you looked up at each other, that was until you were called upon to say your vows.

"Derek, why don't you go first?"

He fumbled for a moment, trying to locate the piece of paper he had put into one of his pockets. Seriously, when did the shirt he was wearing suddenly seem as though it had about a thousand pockets!?

When he finally located the folded piece of paper in his dress shirt, he unfolded the piece and began to read, "(Y/n), the day we met when we were kids I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Of course back then I meant it in a completely innocent way, but I soon grew to realize that I wanted to be with you romantically. I'm so glad you had returned the feelings, for I don't know what I would do without you. I... I promise to protect you from anything and everything. Even the tiny spiders that you insist are much bigger than they actually are. I promise to watch those TV shows you love so much, even the ones I can't stand. I promise to choose you. I promise to choose you to when things get hard. I promise to be there for you through thick and thin. I promise I'll try my hardest to be the best husband ever."

By now, the two of you were crying, along side some of the people in the crowd.


You wiped at the tears on your cheeks, letting out a watery laugh before nodding and locating your own piece of paper, "First of all, I wanted to start off by saying that I love you, more than I will ever be able to voice. Words cannot even being to express how much you really mean to me. I promise to always try my hardest for you. I promise to cook your favourite meals when your having a bad day, look after you when your sick. I promise I'll always be there for you, even when you think I'm not."

As the man beside you began to speak again the world around you was drowned out once again as you both smiled at each other through the tears filling your eyes. You were holding tightly onto his hands, and Derek felt as though his legs were going to collapse from underneath him when "You may now kiss the bride." was suddenly announced.

He gently grabbed a hold of your veil, lifting it up and over your head. He pushed a stay piece of hair from your face, leaving his hand to gently cup your cheek while he began to lean in, you copying his actions.

Soon enough, your lips were pressed hard against each other's; everyone around you had stood and was cheering and clapping, and it was suddenly realized by both of you that this was it.

The two of you were now bound for life, something that both excited and terrified you. Overall, you were happy, and neither of you would have it any other way.

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