Countdown - Stiles Imagine

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10 was the amount of 'x's Stiles used to tack onto the end of each text he sent when the two of you started dating. 

At first you thought it was odd and completely unnecessary, after all you would have been happy with one or two, but you can't deny that you grew fond of seeing the excessive amounts of crosses. 

9 was how many TV shows the two of you managed to go through. 

It all started with you going around to his house on some weekends and the two of you would binge watch a show, but it soon turned into a tradition. Every Saturday became yours and Stiles' TV night. 

You were worried that eventually you were going to run out of shows to watch, but Stiles promised that if that ever happened he'd make his own show. A part of you wished the shows would end so you could see that. 

8 was the amount of bruises Stiles had littering his body. 

It all started with a petty comment from another student. The boy had been calling you names for a while, only this time Stiles was around to hear him say them. You tried to avoid the confrontation and pull Stiles away from the situation but he was a lot stronger than you. 

He'd laid a punch on the guys face, but unfortunately the guy had friends and soon enough it was five of them against Stiles. You'd rushed off to get a teacher as soon as one of the boys hit Stiles in the jaw. You returned to see Stiles on the ground, surrounded by the boys and you hated to think what he looked like underneath them. The teacher broke it all up and later, you had taken Stiles back to his house to get him cleaned up. 

"You shouldn't have done that," You sighed, patting away the blood on his lip. 

"It was worth it." He mumbled in reply. 

7 was the amount of braids you'd managed to make in his hair. 

The two of you were having a lazy day at your house, and as soon as Stiles had placed his head in your lap your fingers immediately went to carding themselves through his locks. Soon enough you found yourself braiding the strands. 

"What are you doing?" Stiles had asked, just as you were finishing up the last braid. 

"Nothing." You giggled, smiling at what you had managed to do to his hair. 

6 was the amount of boxes Stiles had given you on your birthday.

They were all within each other; a smaller box within the biggest box, then a smaller one in that one and so on until you came to the smallest box. It was black and velvet, and you opened it to reveal a beautiful little ring. 

"Its a promise ring," Stiles had said, taking the box from you and slipping the ring onto your finger. "I promise to always be there for you, even when you think I'm not." 

5 is the amount of sleep overs the two of you shared staying up late and talking about the future. 

At first they started out playful. You'd talk about growing old together and what kind of dog you'd raise together. But the night that Stiles told you that he hoped to marry you one day made you realise that the once playful conversations were much more serious than you had previously thought. 

4 was the amount of dates Stiles took you on before he finally kissed you. 

You both started out as friends, meeting through Scott. At first you admired him from afar, too scared to make conversation, but eventually Lydia got sick of watching the two of you staring at each other from across the table and demanded that the two of you started talking. You'd never admit it but you were incredibly grateful for Lydia that day. 

After two ice cream parlour dates, and one movie date, finally Stiles took you on a picnic date that ended in a kiss. You didn't stop smiling that night. 

3 was the amount of days it has been since you've talked to Stiles. 

The two of you were drifting, and you both knew it but neither tried to stop it. It started with not seeing each other as frequently, then the constant texts and calls drifted down to a couple a week. 

Things became awkward and you weren't sure what the two of you were anymore, so you avoided him at school. You could tell he was avoiding you, too. 

2 is the amount of Stiles' jumpers that still lived in your dresser. 

They were folded neatly, hidden right at the back where you couldn't see them. Despite having not touched them in a weeks, you could still remember exactly which ones they were. 

There was the blue one that you used to love on him, but he claimed it looked much better on you, and there was the red one that he wore on your first date. You still smile at the memory of him dropping ice cream on the red fabric. 

1 was how many texts it took him to end it. 

One simple text came through on a sunny afternoon and the sorry that he started with made your heart break. It was only a matter of time before this was going to happen, but you underestimated how much it hurt to finally realise that Stiles and you were no more. 

0 is the amount of time the two of you had left. 

Drifting apart is inevitable, but it can be avoided and it would seem that Stiles and yourself hadn't tried hard enough. If you could take it all back and try again, you would in a heartbeat. Stiles and yourself shared one too many secrets, too many late nights talking about the future to simply throw it all away like you did. 

Little did you know, Stiles felt the exact same way. 

* * * 

A/n: Part 2? :-)

Teen wolf imaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara