73||Endeavour agency

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Ben gets off the bus with Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya

the moment they exit they're met by Endeavour

"Welcome to working for endeavour!" he greets before he shifts to a darker face and tone.

"Welcome to working for endeavour!" he greets before he shifts to a darker face and tone

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"That's not what I feel like, though..."

he scowls at Midoriya, Ben and Bakugou

"Because shoto asked, I gave my permission reluctantly and I did offer an internship to ben during the first term... But I wish Shoto came on his own...." he pouts.

"If you gave permission, then don't complain." Todoroki snaps back.

"Sh-Shoto..." Endeavour whimpers, nowhere near the fiery boastful nature of the hero Ben remembers from the sports festival

"I've thought so since the supplementary lessons," Bakugou begins. "but you're kind of cringey."

"Shoto, are you really friends with this boy?!" the offended Endeavour inquires.

"But if I can see how the top hero works," Bakugou continues. "I don't really care about anything else.."

"I Thought I told you to choose your friends wisely!" Endeavour scolds.

"Thank you for allowing us to do our work study with you." Midoriya speaks up.

"I'm happy you allowed me to come even though your invitation was for last term!" Ben adds.

Endeavour is nowhere near as aggressive as he was just a few months ago

but in the light of All Mights retirement and his subsequent promotion to the Number 1 hero along with his fight with that Nomu he's seemed to have evolved into a far kinder, compassionate version of himself.

as the 5 are patrolling Endeavour senses something and suddenly jumps over the railing and runs off

"Sorry, but I don't plan on looking after anyone but shoto!" he exclaims as he ignites himself forming his mask and flames under his boots to hover.

"If you want to learn, then watch from the back!"

Endeavour turns to see the 4 right behind him.

Endeavour turns to see the 4 right behind him

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