83||World's Mission Pt. 6

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(I wanted to get this out before Halloween(Cuz spooky Ghostfreak) but then after pt. 5 i suddenly lost interest in writing and then the weekend after I was really sick.... so here's this one.... idk how to end these...)

Deku faces down Chadwick.

the Forever Templar allowing the quirkless man to fight on par with full cowling.

"15 years of painstaking engineering, of tinkering, of sleepless night!" he exclaims. "All to create a suit that far exceeds even the most powerful quirks!"

Chadwick creates a plasma whip wrapping it around Deku's neck and throwing him down the hall.

any remaining Forever knights or Humarise soldiers are unable to even react to the sheer speed on display.

Deku throws a kick at chadwick as boosters in his shoulder plates allow him to dodge.

the knight uses the boys own momentum to grapple his leg and hurl him into the wall.

Chadwick creates an energy wrist blade stabbing it through Deku's shoulder.

"You're a fool if you believe your genetic mutation stands a chance against technology."

Deku pushes Chawick off of him and begins leaping between the hallway walls attempting to confuse his foe as Chadwick seems to be able to follow each movement countering with a single kick to his chest.

Deku  pushes Chawick off of him and begins leaping between the hallway walls  attempting to confuse his foe as Chadwick seems to be able to follow  each movement countering with a single kick to his chest

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"This suit can predict your movements before you make them." he laughs tapping his visor.

Deku refuses to relent as he continues attacking.

Chadwick activates his boosters punching Deku in the gut.

getting an idea as he's blasted back Deku uses Black whip to attack

Chadwick grabs the attack as Deku yanks back causing him to lose balance.

Deku rushes his opponent reeling back a One for all charged punch.

"What did I say?!" Chadwick scoffs as his boosters begin to push himself up.

Deku yanks again allowing himself to now be above his foe.

now charging a kick Chadwick is unable to react fast enough as Deku swings downward upon him


Deku's axe kick smashes Chadwick's helmet in half.

Chadwick rips off what remains of his helmet.

in a rage he creates two energy swords before lunging at our broccoli boi.

taking wild swings Deku manages to duck under the attack

now charging 65% of One for all in his arms and legs he pushes against the ground in an explosion of power drop kicking Chadwick in the chest plate exclaiming

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