96||He'll Never fade away

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(Just a lil' Update, I've decided that depending on where season 6 ends will determine when I take a hiatus.

-If the anime does the stars and stripes arc in the final episode like they did with the hood fight I'll move onto the arc after that(That I shall not name cuz yes)

-If it doesn't then I'll go on hiatus before stars and stripes cuz I want gifs

I might do a spin-off of this series during the hiatus that's a lot like my "Crisis on infinite Dekus" book but not as bad.

Eon will be the antagonist and I already have the design and motives for him so thats gonna be fun...)

Mr. Compress, Toga and Albedo flee through the ruined halls of what was once Gunga hill villa.

they're being pursued by the Pro hero, Eel Boy.

however being both timed out and still woozy from the fright of falling out of the sky Albedo is forced to be dragged along by the wrist by Toga.

however the hero catches up, ensnaring Toga and Mr. Compress in his eel arms.

"Toga!" Albedo calls out as he falls face first into the carpet.

Eel Boy stamps his boot down on Albedo's back pinning him to the ground.

he then calls in a status report.

"Atsuhiro Sako, Himiko Toga and Albedo, captured! swallowing them whole now!"

"Toga, your detection-evading technique didn't work!" Mr. Compress grunts. "These gross-looking things must be sensory types!"

"L-Let go of us!" Albedo snarls as he struggles but is stamped back into the ground.

"No matter the reason, heroes will not allow you to wrong society!" Eel Boy scolds. "This really is the end now, League of villains!--"

suddenly his eyes go blank as a knife is plunged into the back of his neck.

the assailant rips the blade out releasing a shower of blood.

It's Twice!

It's Twice!

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"Jin!" Toga excitedly cheers.

"Let go..." Twice weakly orders, seeming to have trouble standing.

"Let go, Let go...." He continues as he repeatedly stabs Eel Boy until his quirk releases his friends.

"Alright!" Albedo grins. "We Win! Double yourself to your heart's content, Jin!"

Albedo, Mr. Compress and Toga begin heading towards the underground for cover.

"OH!" Albedo adds. "It would be really awesome if you mixed in some of the Ultimates I let you measure, if you want to of--"

he turns back to see Twice hasn't moved from his spot.

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