Chapter 32 Sad and happy to ask Lanxiang

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In front of the Lan Ruo Palace, he looked at the pot of orchids under the steps for a long time, and his mind was always in amazement.

I still remember that King Yong and Shizi Fenglan were supported and sent back to the palace, and all the people also followed, and the unique wind was standing in front of the Xifengtai, looking up at the white and jade-like tower for a long time, and finally looking back Looking at him, he smiled faintly: "Jiuwei, how can the new road be so flat, not how you want to walk."

Her smile was light like a cloud of smoke, but the depth of her eyes was so sad and disappointed.


Jiu Weiben just sighed in his heart, and somehow sighed out without knowing it. He looked down at the delicately prepared fragrant tea in his hand, hesitating whether to send it in or not.

"Lordlord?" an extremely clear voice tentatively called.

Turning his head for a long time, he saw a beautiful woman who was even more beautiful than the front orchid.

"It turned out to be Feng Feng." He was a little surprised, but soon he smiled again, "Come to the Qing Wang?"

Feng Qiwu nodded, and the cold Lirong was also surprised, "Why is the landlord here?"

"Qing Wang invited me to be her cook, I naturally served her around." Jiu Wei smiled faintly, and his eyes rolled, "Since Feng Feng is going to find Qing Wang, then please bring this fragrant tea in." "After he finished speaking, regardless of whether Feng Qiwu agreed or not, he put the tea tray in her hand and put it in her hand. "The girl will go first, and then I will make some delicious snacks." He turned and walked away quickly.

Watching Jiu Wei leave, Feng Qiwu looked at the tea tray in his hand, and was secretly surprised. The owner of the setting sun like a wild crane turned out to be the chef of the Blue King. When thinking about it, she stepped up to the front of the Lan Ruo Palace. Biography, a moment later, it was reported that the Green King invited you.

She stepped into the palace gate with the leading palace people, and the Lan Ruo Palace was also full of orchids like the Lan Ling Palace, and the elegant Lan Xiang lingered. After walking for a while, I saw a person standing on the jade belt bridge from a distance, the breeze blowing, Xuelan swaying, the coat was smooth, like a human being.

"Lord, the girl Feng is here." A court lady walked to the bridge and gave a soft report.

The people on the jade belt bridge looked back, and Feng Qiwu couldn't help but shake the whole body, and the tea tray in his hand shook.

Who is the noble woman of Tsinghua University? Windy evening? Or the king of Qingzhou, Feng Xiyun?

"Girl Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time." Feng Xiyun looked at Feng Qiwu with a smile, still cold and as beautiful as ever.

It is not Feng Xi, Feng Xi is not such a look, nor such a tone.

"Qiwu meets the Green King." Fengqi Wuying Ying bowed down.

Feng Xiyun moved down the jade belt bridge and raised his hand slightly. On the other side, there were two palace ladies who stepped forward, one took the tea from Feng Qiwu's hand, and the other lifted her.

"How can I get guests to deliver tea, and I'm lazy again for a long time."

Feng Qiwu stood up and looked up at the person in front of him—Qingzhou Queen Feng Xiyun. They were different from each other now. They felt a little sad in their hearts, but they didn't know what to say for a while.

Feng Xiyun glanced at her, then instructed the inner attendant and the maid, who was with the attendant, "You retreat, and you have to talk to the girl Feng."

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