Chapter 64: Attachment: Mixed Theater

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There is a community on the east side of City A, covering an area of two hundred acres. Inside, there is garden pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, rockery ponds, and they are very elegantly built, which makes people almost think that they will travel through time and space and return to ancient times.

In such a large community, there is only one residential building. It is located in the center of the community. The building is eight stories high. From a distance, it is one building, but when you look up close, there are eight tall buildings connected in eight directions. .

The name of the community is “East Emperor Pavilion”, just like this strange octagonal residential building. It is filled with people who seem to be mysterious or mysterious to the ordinary people in City A, but whether they are magical Still mysterious, they are still human.

Humans, are always inseparable from ordinary things such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Naturally, life is quite ordinary, working, eating, sleeping, having fun, um… and holidays.

1. Christmas The imported festival of Christmas is quite popular in today’s celestial dynasty. Therefore, the residents in the “Eastern Emperor Pavilion” also followed the trend to celebrate the foreign festival.

One of the residents of the seventh floor, Feng Xifeng Woman, kicked her husband Feng Xifeng who was leaning on the sofa with her jade feet and said: “This foreign festival is equivalent to our Spring Festival, so we should also pay attention. To live solemnly.

“Young Master Feng supported his jaw with one hand and his eyes were watching “Financial News” on TV. The financial crisis, the world situation is very good, and he can touch more fish in troubled waters.

Hearing this, he raised his long eyebrows slightly, and squinted at his wife. “How do you want to live?” Feng Swordswoman rolled her eyes and said with a smile: “I heard that you are grabbing from under the eyelids of the Dynasty. I made a lot of business, and I wanted to make a lot of money.

Didn’t our neighbor Jiuwei open a restaurant called’Jiuluo Shanzhuang’? Neighbors need to help each other. Let’s support his business and Jiuwei’s cooking skills…” She swallowed.” Coupled with his body shape, it is really a’exquisite meal’. Let’s go there for dinner, it is a consumption and double enjoyment! “Young Master Feng’s eyes flashed, he picked up the tea on the coffee table and drank slowly, and after drinking, he said casually: “Jiuluo Villa’s dishes are good, but I don’t want to move in such a cold day. Go by yourself.”

The last time Qiao wanted to go to Suzhou on a business trip, he brought back a bottle of ebony wine. I’ll just use this wine to make a ‘black plum wine braised beef brisket’ and eat it even if it’s a holiday.

“When the wind woman heard that someone who was rare to wash his hands and make a return to cook this year was cooking, she immediately threw aside the beautiful and delicious son of Jiuwei, and gently and virtuously pulled the Feng son from the sofa.” Oh, what are you talking about, we are a husband and wife, there is no reason for me to enjoy and let you spend the holidays alone.

Come, hurry up and cook, I won’t go out anymore, and you will have a meal of braised beef brisket with ume wine.

“”Really? “Young Master Feng raised the corners of his long eyes slightly, “Kill Jiuluo Mountain Villa has beautiful food to eat. Isn’t it a pity not to go?” “Haha, kidding, kidding.”

“The female heroine reached out and touched the jade-like cheeks of Young Master Feng, she was deeply affectionate, “If you talk about beauty, no one in this world can match our Young Master Feng.

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