Bite of the Snake (Snake Man x Reader)

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You were hanging with your best friend Gemini Man at the park. You and him were eating ice cream while sitting at the park bench, when suddenly a large snake dropped from the tree above and landed into your face, biting you. Gemini's only reaction was to jerk away in fear, and pull the snake away from your face with as little contact with the snake as possible, but it was difficult, as the snake's fangs were buried into your cheek.

As Gemini finally pulled the snake, you suddenly heard laughing above you. You and Gemini look up to find Snake Man!

"SNAKE MAN! THAT ISN'T FUNNY!" Gemini shouted in anger.

"Come on, it wassss only a harmless joke." Hissed Snake Man, pleased with his "harmless joke."

"Harmless? Your stupid snake bit me on my cheek! There was certainly pain!" You snapped back at him.

"Whatever, you two need to sssseriously chill. But watch out! There'ssss plenty more waiting for you!" Snake man hissed back as he jumped from tree to tree, out of sight.

You were rubbing your wound to ease the pain, when Gemini blurted out:

"You know, I think he likes you."

"W-What? How? He plays pranks on me and enjoys the results! Besides, he pranks you too!" You said, denying what he said about Snake Man.

"Yeah, only because I'm afraid of them." Gemini said with a smirk. "He won't leave you alone. He plays pranks on you so he can get close to you without letting you know he likes you."

You thought about that. Snake Man actually never pranks anyone else but you and Gemini. Gemini has an excuse to be pranked, but you don't.
You stared blankly at the ground, thinking hard.

"Hello? Earth to Galaxy Man?" Gemini joked.

You snapped out of your trance and looked up at Gemini. You blushed a little

"Sorry, I got carried away." You said.

"Carried away? You mean you carried away by Snake Man?" Gemini teased.

"Very funny, mirror head." You said as you playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"We should get going. It's starting rain, and I think a heavy storm is coming our way." You said a little worried.

"Those clouds are really dark. Looks like Cloud Man must be hitting up the beans."

You laughed as he was preparing to teleport.

"See you later." He said as he teleported away.

"Alright." You said and started to teleport too, but before you could, you heard deep growls from the forest nearby. Before you could react, a pack of wolves lunge at you! You try to defend yourself, but the wolves were so huge! There were too many,
And you couldn't do anything about it. Just as the alpha wolf was about to attack, something jumped right in front of you and swatted the wolf away. It was too dark to see the figure, but a flash of lighting was enough for you to recognize it.

It was Snake Man!

A loud, threatening hiss was enough to scare the wolves away. He turned to look at you, retracting his eyes from slits to its normal form.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine." You said trembling

He kneeled beside you to help you up, but instead of reaching to his hand so he can pull you up, you grabbed his hand to pull him to you so you could hug him. He tensed up. You where a little confused at his actions, so you pull away and look at his crimson red eyes, which were filled with sadness.

"I'm really ssssorry for hurting you earlier." He said calmly, as he placed his hand on your snake bite, caressing your cheek.

"I didn't mean it to happen."

"It's okay, Snake Man. I forgive you." You said sweetly.

He hugged you back gently.

"Great, becausssse I wouldn't want the one I love to disssslike me." He said.

He pulled away from the hug, and kissed you where you were bitten. He picks you up, and carries you away to safety.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora