Bitter Rivalry (Slash Man x Reader)

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(It's long, but long oneshots are the best oneshots! Amirite?)

While exploring the dense jungle, you spotted a robot master, looking around nervously, climbing up every tree and gathered every fruit in sight.

You, while on an exploration mission on the very same habitat this robot master was in, looked at him from afar. He reminded you of the Stardroid Pluto that invaded Earth many years ago. You took out your journal and began to write:

Log #0647: It seems there is a Robot Master living in this area. It appears to be harvesting fruit in a hurry. What would be the cause?

When you finished writing, you looked back up, only to find the robot master gone.

"Where'd he go?" You asked yourself, scanning your surroundings. He could be anywhere. You heard a rustle behind you and when you looked, the robot master jumped out of a bush and pinned you against a tree with its razor-sharp claws.

"This is my territory! I told you not to come ba-" his eyes widened with surprise before he could finish his sentence.

"Wait, you're not..." He said, pulling back his claws that penetrated the tree's wood.

"Oh, uh, sorry about that. I thought you were someone else... The name's Slash Man."

"Slash Man? You repeated, writing it down on your journal:

Log #0648: The unknown robot is named Slash Man. It seems to have mistaken me for another, in which he appears to be on bad terms with.

"I'm (Y/n)" you responded. "Who did you mistake me for?" You asked with curiosity.

"Someone who's been stealing my jungle fruits for their hibernation, while I need them for mine!" He hissed. "It was-"

"It's rude to talk about someone who's listening." Said a mysterious voice behind you. You turned around and saw another robot master with a feline appearance, it was none other than Pluto.

Pluto was resting atop a tree, flicking his tail with a smug expression on his face, while on the other hand, Slash Man's eye twitched with pure anger.

"What's the matter? Angered by the fact that you're being shown up by me? I wouldn't be surprised, I am a Stardroid after all." Said Pluto. He said "Stardroid" as if it was the most important thing in the entire world.

You stepped in front of Slash Man and defended him. "Says the one that got his entire team beat up by Mega Man!"

Pluto jumped off the tree and landed in front of you, pointing his claws just a few inches away from your neck.

"You have a problem?" Scowled Pluto. Slash Man stepped up and knocked Pluto away.

"Back off." He growled. "You need to leave, you stupid cat. Who said you can just come over to my territory and steal all of my fruits?"

"So what? I do what I want, when I want." Pluto snapped back.

Slash Man ran up to Pluto and whispered something aggressively to Pluto before giving him another shove. Pluto simply scowled and ran into the jungle.

"Come back, here you coward!" Roared Slash Man. He must really hate Pluto. He gave one last roar before he slumped down next to a tree and looked as he had given up.

"Don't give up, Slash! I'll help you get rid of Pluto!" You said.

"It's no use. Pluto already has almost all the fruits in the jungle." He muttered. "I guess I'll just have to hibernate without them." He stood up and dashed away back into the jungle.

You began to wander further into the jungle, thinking of a way to help Slash Man get his fruits back.

Once you saw Slash Man again, you called him over to you.

"I just remembered, I have a backpack full of fruits that I brought for my trip here. Of course, they're not native here, but you can have them." You said.

Slash Man looked surprised for a moment, and even blushed a bit.

"A-Are you sure? Don't you need these?" He said worriedly.

"You need them more than I do, it's okay!" You replied, handing him the backpack full of fruits.

"Wow, thank you." Slash Man said, blushing a bit more. "I'll put these back at my place." He then ran back into the jungle.

Once it grew quiet, you took one step forward, but you were stopped again by a figure jumping over you.

"So... You and Slash got a thing going on?" He asked flicking his tail.

"What? No. We've barely just met." You replied with a confused expression on your face.

"You know what he said when he whispered to me? He said: "The girl is mine, you better not get your hands on her or I will shred you up."

You looked away, blushing. Did Slash Man have a crush on you?

"But I don't care what he thinks!" He said, suddenly grabbing you, and he did the unthinkable.

He kissed you straight on the lips.

As he broke away, you were too astonished to say anything.

"You thought Slash Man would get to you first, but it was me! Pluto!"

His triumphant expression suddenly turned to one of pain.

"I told you not to get near her." Growled a voice behind Pluto. It was Slash Man, his claws stained with oil.

"Y-You..." Stuttered Pluto. He then collapsed to the ground, revealing 3 deep claw marks on his back.

"Did he hurt you? Are you ok?" Asked Slash Man, forgetting about Pluto and running over to you.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." You replied.

Slash Man then kissed you sweetly on your lips for a long while. You gladly returned the kiss.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't left you alone here." Apologized Slash Man.

"It's not big deal. I'm not hurt, and I'm here with you now."

"I know we've just met but, you're so kind and gentle.. I love you." He said with a smile.

"Aw, I love you too Slash." You replied, giving him a small kiss on his cheek.

"Wanna help me get all my fruits back from Pluto?" He asked.

"You bet."

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now