Stop the Clock (Time Man x Reader)

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Today, you were spending the day with Time Man at the park, although he wasn't really enjoying it. He was always serious about his schedule, working hard without any break. Dr. Light wanted to give him a break from all his hard work, even though Time Man didn't want to. Dr. Light wanted you to take a break as well, so you could spend the day with Time Man, because he didn't know how to have a "day off."

"This is stupid." Time Man said under his breath.

"Don't be a buzzkill." You said in a happy tone. "You should enjoy the day."

Time man just grunted and crossed his arms. Ignoring his serious aura, you were happily skipping along beside him. Bomb Man and Guts Man were leaning against a tree, hanging out, when they spotted you two, and started giggling like little kids.

"Time Man's got a girlfriend!" Bomb Man and Guts Man sang in unison.

You were too happy to listen to them, but Time Man heard, and he gave them the most threatening and deadliest glare any robot could ever give. Bomb Man and Guts Man shivered in fear, refraining themselves from teasing you and him anymore.

"Imbeciles..." Time Man muttered to himself. He sighed and rubbed the side of his head.

"Time Man, do you want to go-"

"Not now." Time Man said without letting you finish.

"Please?" You said with your sweetest voice. No robot could resist.

"Alright fine. Where do you want to go?" Time Man said a little irritated, but at least he listened to you.

"I want to go take a walk in the forest!" You said.

Time Man didn't say anything, but he started walking in the direction of the forest. You followed him.


As you got in the forest, you started to explore and get into random places.

"Watch your step. I don't want to have to babysit." Time Man said with a stern voice.

You didn't listen to him. You were looking at the lake in the forest, standing on a rock. You were leaning a little too close, and you lost you balance. You were starting to fall in, but Time Man grabbed you before you fell in.

"I said watch your step." He said in with a serious tone.

"Sorry..." You said. You start to fake cry to at least make sure he cares about you, and not just because he doesn't want to make Dr. Light mad with him.

He softens a little and sighs.

"I'm sorry, but you need to watch out." He says calmly.

He ruffles your hair and starts to walk deeper into the forest.

You wipe your fake tears, smile,and fist pump victoriously behind his back. Then you start to follow him.

"Time Man, do you think there are any dangerous animals here?" You ask with concern.

"Not that I would know anything." He said without turning his head to look at you.

Great. He's back to his serious self.

Before you could reply, you tripped over a tree root that was jutting out of the ground. You fell on your face.

"Ow..." You moaned in pain, rubbing the side of your face.

"Are you ok?" Time Man asks as he kneels down next to you.

"I'm fine." You turn to him, removing your hand from your face, only to reveal a huge cut on the side on face!

Time Man sighs with worry.

"No, you're not." He says.

"Let's get you fixed."

Before you could pull you up, a pack of robot wolves appeared out of nowhere, circling you and Time Man.

Time Man unleashes his special attack, Time Slow. The wolves lunge in slow motion. Time Man doesn't hesitate to pick you up bridal-style to start to run. Just as Time Slow wore off, the wolves noticed you and Time Man escaping, and started to chase after you two.

You never figured that Time Man would be so agile! Jumping from rock to rock, tree branch to tree branch, you clutched onto him. Time Man then onto the road, where the wolves were unfamiliar with. The wolves started to head back into the forest, where in the other hand, Time Man was just arriving to Dr. Light's Laboratory.


After your cut has been repaired, you headed out the door, only to find Time Man waiting for you.

"Are you all fixed?" He said.

"Yup! Also, that was awesome! Do you want to hang out again sometime?" You say excitedly.

"I guess I can fit you in my schedule." He said with a smile before he gave you a kiss on your forehead, and left.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now