Bass x Reader

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(A NOTE: I improved in my writing skills, and it's kinda noticeable. Also, three OCs that are in this oneshot (Match Man, Romance Woman and Rose) belong to my friend Maverick-Princess, who helped me come up with the main plot. Anyhow, enjoy the oneshot!)

Why am I feeling this way...?

Bass shook his head. He didn't know what was happening to him. He sat in the darkness of night, where the moonlight washed over him like a lightbulb on the ceiling. His thoughts and memories piled up his head, forcing him to have a flashback.

"Who are you? You're going to get hurt here."

A tall robot with jet black armor and streaks of bright golden yellow stood over you. He looked like a Wily robot, but his face showed signs of concern and worry, something this robot almost never felt.

"...I did get hurt by an unexpected explosion..." Your voice trailed off, showing little bits of fear.

Your remove your hand that was over a large hole that penetrated through your leg. The mysterious robot then opened his mouth in complete shock. He didn't hesitate to pick you up, making sure he didn't hurt your wound.

"W-what are you doing..?" You were a little frightened as the image of him kidnapping you took over in your mind.

"I'm trying to help you. We may be enemies, but you need serious help. I will see if my father would be able to fix you."

At his call, a large, purple and white wolf-like robot beamed up and landed beside him. The large canine started to bare his teeth and growl at your sight, causing you to clutch onto the jet black robot, burying your face into his chest for protection.


The mysterious robot's voice was stern and low. It seemed that this robot wolf, "Treble" whined and obeyed his orders. The robot then mounted Treble, holding onto him with one hand and the other on your back, where Treble took off.

"Who are you?" The robot asked you.

"I'm (Y/n)..."

"I am Bass." The robot replied.

"Bass...." You said his name, knowing that even though you were enemies, you felt safe, and rested in his arms.

Bass shook his head again, trying to forget the memory. But he couldn't he had to find a way to do something.


"So how'd you sleep?" You sit beside Bass, where he seemed as if he was about to malfunction.

"H-huh..? Wha.. Wait, aren't w-we enemies?" Bass seemed as if he got hypnotized by one of Snake Man's mischievous serpents.

"...Are you ok? That was a year ago. We're not enemies anymore." You say.

"Oh..." Bass was seemed as he was going to collapse.

"Here." You give Bass a E-Tank, which he lazily drinks, until he sustains enough energy to drink it normally.

"Whoa... I'm sorry. I didn't energize well.  I've been up all night." Bass apologized.

"It's alright Bass. I'm happy to help." You flashed a smile.

In the distance, Match Man and Romance Woman where watching, spying on you and Bass. They knew the feelings that Bass had, and now they wanted to put those feelings into action.

Treble sniffed the nearby hedge that the two where hiding in. His ears perked up at the sight of the duo.

"Treble! Bring Bass for us, he have something for him." Match Man whispered to the canine.

Upon hearing Bass' name, Treble's ears perked up once more as he understood the command, and sprinted towards Bass.

"That's why-" Treble started barking at Bass, making him unable to finish his sentence.

"What is it?"

Treble started motioning to somewhere, as if he wanted him to follow him.

"Ok, Treble. (Y/n), I'll be right back." Bass smiled at you as he started following Treble.


"Was that my CPU malfunctioning or did I just feel a spark between us?"

Bass held the tiny strip of paper in his hand, rereading the sentence again and again. Finally, Bass lifted his head up and awkwardly looked at Match Man and Romance woman.

"I'm supposed to say this...?"

"Of course! How else are you going to confess to your love?" Romance woman replied

"...This is kinda weird..." Bass starts blushing as he keeps reading it.

"Just do it!" Match Man says.

"But what if it doesn't work?! I'll seem like a total fool..."  Bass protested.

"Everyone here knows that you have a crush on her. You're just not confident enough."

"What!? I am confident!" Bass shouted.

"In fighting Mega Man, yes. In asking out a crush, no." Romance Woman teased.

"Alright fine. I'll have it your way." Bass grumbled and walked up to you.

"Oh, hi Bass, you're back." You say, while you were sitting on a bench, petting Treble.

"Well, that my CPU malfunctioning or did I just feel a spark between us?" Bass said awkwardly, blushing a little.

".....Wow." You replied. Even Treble looked surprised.

"...Sorry..." Bass looked away.

You stood up and kissed him on the cheek. This time, he actually started to shoot sparks out.

"W-Woah..." Bass was blushing hard.

"The pick-up line needs work, though." You say, holding Bass' hand.

Bass was so relieved. He stopped malfunctioning and calmed down.

"..Ok." Bass smiled and kissed you on the lips, before being surprised by a sudden voice.

A small girl named Rose showed up, tugging on Bass's armor.

"So, are you gonna have a boy or a girl?"

Bass flinched of embarrassment and hid his blush, which a crimson red and spread across his face rapidly.

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