It's All in the Zodiac (Gemini Man x Reader)

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(Yay, my favorite Robot Master!)

"Ha ha! Do it again!"

"Ok, ok."

You were drawing in your room, when you look outside your window and see Gemini Man and his clone doing something in the distance.

"You want a rose? You can have one. Oh, you wanted one too?" He said, trying not to laugh, but eventually the both of them started to laugh hysterically.

"Oh... They're mocking Star Man..." You whisper to yourself.

You blush and continue to do your drawing of Gemini Man, since you had a crush on him. He just seemed...perfect. You thought he wouldn't like you, because of his narcissist personality. You sigh and put down your pencil as you finish your drawing of Gemini, but you smile at it, since it turned out just perfect. You set it to the side and head outside.

You tried to keep yourself out of Gemini Man's sight, since you were too shy to talk to him, when Snake Man jumped from a tree, landing right in front of you, making you yelp.

"Oh it's just you... You frightened me!!" You said.

"Ssssorry, I jusssst couldn't help to point out the fact of how cowardly you act around Gemini." He said with a smirk.

"I do not..!"

"Hey, what's going on?"

The voice behind you sounded familiar, and made you freeze in place.

"Oh, nothing, Gemini. Me and (Y/n) were jusssst having a little chat." Snake Man said.

"Issssn't that right?"

"......y-yeah." You stutter out.

"Sounded more like an argument... Eh, what do I know?" Gemini Man said.

"The only thing you argue about is how sssstraight your chesssst plate issss.... And I'm going to tell you it'ssss a little crooked. Snake Man points out.

Gemini gasps and looks at his chest plate.

"Really?!? No!" Gemini Man frantically tries to put his chest plate back together.

You hear Snake Man quietly snicker. You find out that Snake was just messing with Gemini, and you gathered your courage to say something.

"N-no, Gemini.. You're perfect!" You stutter.

Gemini looks up and smiles.

"I know I am, but if I don't fix this chest plate I won't be!" Gemini says.

You cover your mouth and blush a crimson red. You just realized what came out your mouth.

"Way to go." Snake Man quietly laughed and elbowed you.

"There, I'm all good." Gemini Man said.

"Oh, Toad Man wants to see you."

"Really? I musssst go!" Snake Man pushed Gemini Man aside, rushing ahead.

"Humph. I guess he bought it. He isn't that bright anyways." Gemini Man said to himself.

He walked over to you and and placed his hand around your shoulder. You started blushing madly.

"Now that he's out of the way, I was thinking maybe we could hang out? We're alike in mind." He winked at you, reminding you of what you said earlier.

"O-oh, sure.. Of course, G-Gemini... Anything for you." You said.

"Wonderful." He said.


"So this is your room? It fits my tastes." Gemini said, looking around.

"T-thank you..." You said.

When Gemini wasn't looking, you noticed the drawing of him that you made. You wanted to hide it, but you gathered all of your courage, and decided to show it to him.

"G-Gemini... I.. I drew you this." You shyly hand the paper of to Gemini.

Gemini Man observed the drawing, his serious face turned into a smile.

"Wow... Am I really that handsome..?"  Gemini Man said, admiring the drawing.

"Yes.. You are." You were surprised that you weren't stuttering anymore.

"If I do say so, you're pretty cute yourself." Gemini Man smirks.

You were blushing again.

"W-Well, um... S-Star Man said the same thing...but I.."

"Wait, Star Man? That jerk..." He muttered to himself.

"I saw you making fun of him earlier..." You tell him.

"Only because he thinks he's better than me, when everyone knows I'm the handsome one around here!" He said, raising his voice a little.

"I turned him down, because..."

Gemini Man looks at you with his emerald green eyes, as if he's awaiting an answer.

"I...Love you..." You force yourself to say this sentence.

"I thought so."

He leaned to you and kissed you gently and sweetly. After he pulled away, you were practically ready to faint.

"If Star Man ever comes near you, I'll make sure he sees stars." Gemini Man waved his arm cannon in the air.

"T-thank you Gemini..." You whisper out.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now