Present of Love (Ice Man x Reader)

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It was the beginning of December, and it was starting to snow outside. You enjoyed the snow a lot. But the one that was excited the most was Ice Man, of course. You sat down on the front porch, drinking an E-Tank. You watched the other Robot Masters play in the snow, except for Time Man, for he would rather spend his time inside.

"Hey Ice, mind if I ask you a question?" Oil Man said.

Oil Man and Ice Man were building a snowman together. So far, it looked impressive.

"What's your question?" Ice Man replied.

"Okay, let me get this straight. Me and Cut been talkin' and it's pretty clear you've got crush on (Y/n)." Oil Man whispers.

"W-What?!?! How did you figure out?!? Oh! I mean... What are y-you talking about?" Ice Man stutters.

"It's pretty obvious, bro." Oil Man replies.

"She'll never a robot like me..." Ice Man says cowardly.

"Nonsense, bro. Lemme help ya." Oil Man says, patting his back

"No! You'll make it worse!!" Ice Man says.

"Yo! (Y/n)! Wanna help me and my awesomely slick bro build a snowman?" Oil Man yells to you.

You turn your head and see Oil Man waving towards you. You run up to them.

"Sure! I'd love to help!" You say.

"Woah, this snowman looks amazing!"

"Ya think so? Because Ice Man here built most of it! You should give him all the credit!" Oil Man says.

"Really?! Ice Man, you're so talented!" You say with enthusiasm.

"T-Thank you." Ice Man says, blushing deeply."

Oil Man noticed the redness in Ice's cheeks. He knew that it would be more embarrassing to Ice Man if you figured out why he was blushing.

"Oh, Ice Man, the cold must be making your cheeks red. Yo, (Y/n) and Ice, how about we go inside? It's getting really cold anyways." Oil Man says.

"Y-Yeah! Great idea, Oil Man!" Ice Man says, picking up what Oil Man is doing.

"Ok guys." You say as you walk towards the lab.

Oil Man gave Ice Man a quick thumbs up behind your back, and started to follow you.

Once you got inside, the robot masters were huddled up, covered in blankets and pillows and sitting across the television.

"Heya fellas! We're gonna watch a movie together. I'd be great if you'd join us!" Fire Man said to the three to you.

"Okay!" You said happily.

"Sorry to cut in, but we've only got a pillow and blanket left." Cut Man said, holding them up.

"It's no problem. I'll just share with my best bro, Time Man." Oil Man said.

"...Fine. I'll share with you. The blankets too big anyways."

"Me and Ice Man can share the blanket and pillow together, if you don't mind, Ice Man." You say.

"O-Oh, not at all!" Ice Man says to you, blushing a little more."


Throughout the movie, you noticed that every now and then, it would appear that Ice Man was getting a little closer to you, even to the point of touching elbows. You didn't really make a big deal out of it.

After the movie was finished, most of the robot masters were asleep, except for you and Ice Man.

"Um... Great movie, right?" Ice man said to you.

"I loved it!" You replied.

"H-hey, mind if I give you something?" Ice Man said.

"Sure!" You said, a little confused.

Ice Man stood up and started walking to his room, while you followed behind him. When he got to his room, he reached under his bed and pulled out a white present box. It had a pretty cyan colored bow on top. He held it out in front of him.

"Here, this is for y-you." Ice Man tells you.

You take the present and open it. Inside, there is a medium sized crystal in the shape of a heart. Your eyes widened in astonishment as the crystal glittered brightly.

"Wow, this is so amazing!" You say with excitement.

"Y-you really think so!?" Ice Man says surprised.

"Of course! Thank you..." You say.

You give him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush madly. He gathers enough courage to hug you.

"I l-love you..." Ice Man stutters.

"I already knew. Oil Man doesn't know how to keep a secret." You say with a smile.

That made Ice Man blush even harder.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now