Crash Man x Reader part 3

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(Part three already? :D)

"Please, Dr. Wily! Give me hands!" Crash Man pleaded.

"For the hundredth time, I can't! I'm extremely busy at the moment. Besides, I don't have the necessary parts right now." Dr. Wily said irritatedly.

With a long sigh, Crash Man trudged out of the lab and slumped himself on the park bench outside.
You were taking a walk on that very park and noticed that Crash Man was sitting alone with a worried expression on his face, staring at the ground.

"Hey Crash Man! Is something wrong?" You sat next to him, placing your hand on his.

"'s nothing..." He said.

"Well it doesn't seem like nothing." You leaned over to him and kissed him on the cheek, making him smile a little.

"No, really, it's nothing. You shouldn't worry about it." Crash Man stood up.

"I have to go somewhere. I'll see you later." Crash Man waved goodbye and started walking away.

"What's going on with him?" You whisper to yourself.


You were called out on a mission to climb a mountain and save a baby mountain goat from a very high peak. You were a very agile Robot Master, so you were picked for the job.

You jumped from rock to rock, careful not to accidentally step on a unstable rock. You then climbed the highest mountain and reached the peak, holding the trembling goat in your hands.

"There'll be ok." You whispered to the baby goat to soothe it. And sure enough, it stopped trembling and stayed calm.

You started to climb down as soon as you spotted other goats looking around. You then jumped over to them and placed the baby goat next to the others, and then the adult goats started nuzzling the baby goat and then you.

"Aw, you guys are all sweet." You petted a few and started to return back to the city, but then you accidentally step on a unstable rock. It's starts wobbling from side to side, until it was too late to jump. You started plummeting down, until someone caught your fall and landed on a stable rock.

You open your eyes and see Crash Man!

"You alright, babe?" Crash Man winked at you, smiling.

"Y-yeah! Thank you so much Crash Man!" You kissed him on the cheek.

"No problem, sweetheart." Crash Man said.

"Wait..." Something felt different. He placed you on the ground, and that's where you realized the difference.

"C-Crash Man... You have hands!" You exclaimed.

"Glad you noticed!" He replied.

"But...what about your drills? Your Crash Bombs?"

"Relax. I can revert back." He changed his hands to drills, then back.

"But why?" You said.

"I wanted to be able to do things that I couldn't because of my drills. Like hug you properly, help you out on any problems you have, and wipe your tears away whenever you're sad." Crash Man said with a sweet smile.

"Aww, Crash Man! I love you so much!" Tears started to form in your eyes as you hugged him. He hugged you back and kissed you on your lips.

"I love you too." Crash Man with a huge smile.

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