Venus x Reader

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"Mercury, you're so messy." Venus pointed out irritated.

"Neptune and Uranus were the ones who wanted a party." Mercury replied.

"We have to clean this place up! Terra will be here any second!" Venus said in a loud voice.

Mercury groaned and lifted himself off the couch.

"Hey Venus! I'll help you!" You said as you walked into the living room.

"Thank you very much." Venus replied happily.

"I got the other Stardroids to help too."

"At least I don't have to do this alone..." Mercury huffed.

"Sorry about throwin' the party, lad. We just needed to have some fun once and a while. We can't just be workin' every day." Neptune apologized to Venus.

"I guess it's ok. But I don't want to be Terra's shooting practice target." Venus sighed.

"Aye lad, we'll help you clean up."

So the Stardroids helped pick up any trash lying on the floor and place every misplaced thing back where it belonged.

You spotted a piece of trash on the floor, and went over to pick it up. But another hand covered yours as both you and Venus reached for the same piece of trash.

"Oh, um...Sorry." Venus jerked his hand away and blushed.

"It's ok, Venus. It's last piece of trash anyways." You say as you pick up the trash and throw it away.

"Yeah...ok." Venus said quietly as he fidgeted his hands and walked away.

"There. Everything's clean." Jupiter rubbed his helmet with a cold, wet towel.

At that very moment, the door to the Stardroids' HQ flew open.

"So, it appears all of you have behaved while I was away." Terra said.

"Yep! Everything's clean and nothing's gone wrong!" Saturn said with a big smile.

"I suppose there is a reward that I will give based on your well behavior..." Terra said with a pleased expression on his face.

"What is it, Terra?" Pluto said impatiently.

"I will give all of you three weeks off." Terra said.

All of the Stardroids were happy with themselves.

"Now, if anyone needs me I'll be in my office." Terra started heading for his office, and the other Stardroids left to go do whatever they please, with the exception of Venus, who was still there.

"Hey um... I've got nothing to do... Do you want to spend some time with me? You're really fun." Venus said awkwardly.

"Sure thing Venus!" You gave him a kiss on his cheek and one on his forehead.

Venus blushed immediately, but gathered enough courage to hug you.

"Thanks for that." Venus said as the two of you walked to the teleportation pad to earth so the two of you could hang out together.

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