Farewell to Ballade (Ballade x Reader special)

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The world erupted in chaos for the fourth time. The World Robot Expo, a gathering of scientists to show their latest creations, was seen as an opening for Dr. Wily to take an attempt at world domination. Dr. Light had a plan for situations like this, and decided to build a Robot Master specifically for combat, but Dr. Light's Robot Master was a little different than the others. This robot master was a woman. With great agility, speed, and aim, the code name for the robot is Note Woman. (Dr. Light liked naming his creations after musical references.) Note Woman is more commonly referred as (Y/N). Dr. Light introduced you to Mega Man, and explained that you would travel with him, his dog Rush and his bird Beat, on his journey to help him restore peace to the world again.

"Alright. All preparations are complete." Dr light said to you and Mega Man.

"Thank you, Dr. Light." Mega Man said. He turned to you.

"Let's go!" He tells you.

You nod your head and teleport off with Mega Man.

Along the journey, You and Mega Man faced many Robot Masters. The robot masters were tough, so it would result in Mega Man being a little damaged. You in the other hand, Is in almost to perfect condition, due to your agility. The only damages to your armor were Toad Man's Rain Flush, which made the paint on your armor dull, and Ring Man's Ring Boomerang, which rivals your agility and speed.

"We're almost to the Wily Station, Mega Man." You tell him.

"Alright, tha-" Mega Man said, before he was interrupted by three robots who jumped right in front of you!

"I'm Enker!"

"I'm Punk!"

".....Oh, and I'm Ballade!"

"And we're the MEGA MAN KILLERS!" Enker yells.

"Specifically built to kill you!" Enker says proudly.

"...And your little friend too!" Punk says.

"....." Ballade stays silent.

You hold on to Rush as he growls at threatens the three robots. Beat stays behind you, but still looks at them angrily.

"Not if I defeat you.....first......" Mega Mega man says before collapsing to the ground, out of energy.

"Oh no.. Mega Man!" You say as you run to his fallen body.

"Looks like the little blue scrap of metal fell before we even touched him! Punk says triumphantly.

You give Punk a threatening glare, then to Enker, then Ballade, but you noticed that Ballade's eyes started to soften as you locked your eyes into his, and you couldn't help but to do the same.

"Enker... Punk... I think we should return some other time." Ballade said weakly to them.

"WHAT?" Punk and Enker say at the same time.

"This here robot is tough! Barely any scratches on her! Certainly a tough opponent! You can't turn down a fight Ballade!" Punk yells.

"This is our perfect opportunity to kill Mega Man!" Enker tells Ballade.

Ballade just grunts irritably and rolls his eyes before teleporting away.

"I wonder what's gotten into Ballade." Punk whispers to Enker.

Enker just shrugs before he and Punk teleport away.

"...Weird" you say to yourself.

"Rush! Beat! Please try to find an E-Tank!" You tell them.
Both of them nod and go search for a E-tank.

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now