You Make My Day (Sunstar x Reader)

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You were sent along on a mission with Mega Man to outer space, in order to fight the new threat, the

Stardroids. After going through their leader Terra, you and Mega Man had to face one more robot.

"I am Sunstar, and I will destroy all inferior life forms!" He said.

"Stay back, (Y/n). I'll handle this one." Mega Man whispered to you. You nodded and took cover.

"Ready? Let's go." Mega Man said as he charged his weapon. The suns around Sunstar's armor lit up and at on fire. They were beginning to fight.

You watched in the distance, hiding behind a pieces of debris, when you noticed how tired Mega Man grew after each shot, while Sunstar remained the same. But things quickly changed as Sunstar spotted an opening, and was about to unleash a devastating blow to Mega Man, but before he could, you ran and pulled Mega Man out of the way.

"Oh? What do we have here? Is it another challenger?" Said Sunstar.

"You betcha! You mess with Mega Man, then you mess with me!" After you finished your intro, you fired very quick shots at Sunstar, which he had difficulty dodging.

"You seem to be a worthy opponent. Go on, Mega Man. This one will decide the world's fate." Sunstar said.

"You heard him! I'll handle this." You told Mega Man.

"...Well...if you say so. I'll be waiting!" Mega Man then summoned Rush and sped back to earth.After Mega Man was gone, Sunstar turned back to you and his armor lit up on fire again.

"Ready? Here we go."


"Hey Mega Man!" You said as you teleported back to Dr. Light's laboratory.

"Back so soon?" he said, puzzled.

"Yeah! Everything's under control now." You replied.

"W-What about Sunstar?" he said.

"Sunstar? He's right behind me." You moved to the side, and as you said, Sunstar was right there, with a blank and emotionless expression on his face.

"Woah! what did you do?" Mega Man said, waving a hand in front of Sunstar's face.

"I don't know... He just sorta malfunctioned before we even started to fight. I brought him here to repair him or something." you explained, shrugging.

"Oh, alright."


"Oddly, nothing appears to be wrong." Said Dr. Light, looking into Sunstar.

"It's probably a system error. While Sunstar was out, I reprogrammed him, so he shouldn't be attacking anyone," Explained Dr. Light.

"Thanks, Dr. Light. " Said Mega Man.

"There's one more thing. Sunstar will be weary for a while." said Dr. Light.

"I'll watch over him!" You said. You took Sunstar's hand and walked out Dr. Light's laboratory.

"Hey Sunstar, are you feeling better?" You asked.

He blinked and shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Glad to see that you're talking again." You smiled. "What happened back there? you suddenly collapsed."

"I don't know..." he replied, looking away. After that, you two remained silent for a while. Until Sunstar said:

"I guess I didn't want to fight someone as lovely as you."

You were surprised and blushing. You didn't expect Sunstar to say something like that. You reached up to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, Sunstar."

At that very moment, Sunstar smiled.

(I had absolutely no ideas for this, but here's the final product anyway. Hope you all enjoyed!)

MegaMan Robot Master x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now