Freeze Man x Reader

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You were staring outside the window, looking at the light flurry of snow outside. You then noticed your friend Freeze Man, who was waving at you outside. You got up and wrapped yourself in a scarf and went outside.

"Hey! I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me out here in this perfect snowy weather." Freeze Man said.

"Sure thing! I was starting to get bored anyways." You replied.

"Awesome!" He said while struck a pose.

"I kinda like it out here in the sn-" while you weren't looking, Freeze Man threw a snowball at you.

"Heh! I got you!" Freeze Man struck a victory pose. That was your perfect opportunity to throw a snowball at him, which landed right on his face.

"H-hey!" Freeze Man wiped the snowball off and began to throw three at a time at you.

"I declare snowball war!" You shouted, throwing one and then hiding behind a tree.

"War it is!" Freeze Man said.

The two of you spent a lot of time throwing snowballs at each other, until eventually Freeze Man- who was covered almost completely with snow- gave up.

"You win... I'm done for...." Freeze Man jokingly said.

"Hah! I win!" You ran around Freeze Man in circles until you suddenly stopped.

"Hey, something wrong?" Freeze Man said with concern.

"It suddenly got really cold." You said, shuddering.

"Oh. True, it seems as if the temperature dropped by 20 degrees..." Freeze Man said.

"20 Degrees!?!?!" You cried out.

"Don't worry. I've got an idea." Freeze Man struck a pose again.


You were indoors, watching television and drinking a heated E-Tank. Freeze Man came in and wrapped you with a cozy blanket, then sat next to you, opening a cold E-Tank.

"Hey, thanks for hanging out with me today, I had tons of fun!" You said.

"It was no problem...!" Freeze Man looked away from you and blushed.

"You cured my boredom." You leaned over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He was a little cold, but he started to blush, heating himself up.

"'re welcome." He returned the kiss and hugged you as the two of you watched television together.

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